💛 All Alone-5💛

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Chapter 5 | Show Around

~Taeyong's POV~

I woke up very early as we need to go to school. Sicheng and Yuta woke up before me. I went to the kitchen as I saw Yuta cooking a breakfast for us. Sicheng is taking a bath for a while. I sat on the kitchen counter as I smell the delicious food that Yuta is cooking.

"Oh, you're awake." Yuta noticed me siting.

"Yeah, what's for breakfast?" I asked.

"Eggs and bacon." Yuta smiled as he place the plate into the counter table.

We ate quietly as Sicheng came out through the bathroom. He joined us eating as we ate really quiet.

We start to get ready for school, we really need to be there early as a class president and Sicheng as Vice President.

We got to school and there were few students in the campus walking around as usual.

While we're going to our classroom as we saw the lights on. Sicheng and I shared glances as we two are very confused why the lights in the classroom is on.

"Is our teacher already inside?" Sicheng ask me very confused.

"He will message me if he will come to school early." I said as we slowly walk into the door, peeking inside the room.

We saw a boy sweeping the floor quietly as he is the only one inside the room. Sicheng, Yuta and I shared glances again in a confusing look.

" Why is Jaehyun here so early?" Yuta asked in confusion.

"I don't know. We can ask him later." I said, then Sicheng walks inside the classroom first and Yuta following as I am the last one to walk inside.

I slip my bag into my seat then took a mop to clean the floor, Sicheng wiping the windows.

After a minute we finished cleaning the classroom then some of my classmates came barging inside the room.

I sat on my seat as Jaehyun is not inside the classroom. I put my hand in the table then leaning my chin in my hand as I look outside the window.

Suddenly, someone tap my shoulder as I was deep in my thoughts. I turn around to see Sicheng beside me.

"You need to call the teacher now. He's 5 minutes late already. I'll just make our classmates be quiet." He said as he take a look at his watch.

"Ok sure. Also bring the others who's still not here." I smiled as I stood at my seat walking ouside the room.

It's already lunch time and the school bell rang.

This time I remembered that I need to show Jaehyun around the school, but I need to hide my introverted self so that it doesn't look awkward.

"Hey Taeyong." Jaehyun called me as I turn around to face him. "Will you show me around this time? Sicheng and Yuta showed me already the garden part and the cafeteria."

The Garden part? I hope he didn't see me yesterday. I thought then I shook my head.

"Yeah sure, let's take a walk at the school court then the other buildings here." I said, I smiled and he nods smiling back.

We walk quietly as I introduce almost the whole school to him. We already went to all the facilities here and now he have 25 more minutes before our afternoon class.

"So you can go now." I said to him as I finished touring him the whole campus.

As i was walking to go to the garden I hear footsteps following me. I turn around to see it was Jaehyun who's head is lowered.

"I told you, you can leave now." I said. I started to walk but he grabbed my hand and now I was facing him again.

"Uhmm." He suddenly smiled like he doesn't know what to say.

My heart suddenly went crazy again. What's wrong with my heart, I thought you calmed down. He has a boyfriend ok?! I shouted to my mind. Then I shook my head and I took a little glance with Jaehyun. He saw me taking a glance to him so I was quick to look away.

"What do you want now?" I asked because he's so quiet.


Here's another chapter guys. It's longer than the previous chapter, I think haha.

So, What do you think about it? Why does Jaehyun come early in school? What will Jaehyun tell Taeyong?

Next chapter on Monday, please look forward to it.


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