💛All Alone-4💛

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Chapter 4 | Sicheng

~Jaehyun's POV~

It was past 10 in the evening already as I can't sleep properly. I was thinking about Taeyong.

Why is he in my mind, I already have a boyfriend.

I shook my head then I started to feel sleepy, but I still can't sleep,I just keep thinking about him. He's so cute. I get my phone to text someone.

Dimples ❤️
Babe? Are still awake?

Bunny 🐰
Yeah babe why?

Dimples ❤️
Can we meet tomorrow?

Bunny 🐰
Sure babe. What time?

Dimples ❤️
Around 4 in the afternoon.

Bunny 🐰
Ok babe, good night.

Dimples ❤️
Night ❤️

I fell asleep after 5 minutes.

~Taeyong's POV~

I saw a message so I opened it.

Vice Sicheng
Hey Taeyong, is Yuta there?

Yeah, he said he wants to sleep here.

Vice Sicheng
Is he asleep?

Why? Is something wrong?

Vice Sicheng
May I go there?

Sure, no prob.

Vice Sicheng
Ok, I'll be there.

I sighed as I went to the kitchen to get a drink. I heared a soft knock on my door so I walk there to open it. I saw Sicheng crying. I let him inside as I closed the door quietly. He sat on the couch and cried.

"What's wrong Sicheng?" I asked him and he looked at me. His eyes swollen like he's been crying since earlier.

"My dad found out." He sobs.

"About what?" I asked in confusion.

"About me and Yuta dating." He said that makes me gasp. "My dad don't want to see again. He threw me out the house with my clothes."

"Where will you go now?" I ask him.

"I don't know. May I stay here? I don't have a place to go now." He said then he hugged me crying quietly.

"Sure you can stay here. You can sleep at Yuta's bed. We have each bed for us. I'll just wake him." I stand up making my way to our room while Sicheng follows me with his bag.

I wake Yuta by shaking his shoulder gently. He let out a groan then he slowly open his eyes then rubbing it. He then checked his phone to look at the time.

"What? It's still 11:27 in the evening." Yuta said in annoyance.

"Sicheng is here." I whispered then pulling Sicheng who is in my back.

"Why are you here babe?" Yuta asked Sicheng.

"My dad had found out that we are dating." Sicheng sobs as he sits in Yuta's bed.

I went to my bed as I let the two talk to themselves. I fell asleep as soon as I lay down.

~Yuta's POV~

"How did he found out?" I asked as soon as Taeyong walk into his bed. Sicheng sat beside me and he let out a sigh.

"Me and my sister fought. She is the only one who knows that I'm gay. Now she exposed me that I'm dating you. My father is shocked then he punch me. He threw me outside the house with my clothes. Now I don't have any place to stay." He said as tears started to fall into his eyes.

" Don't worry Sicheng, I'm sure Taeyong will let you stay." I said as I hug him tightly. He hugged back as he mutters Thank you.

"You should clean now. We have class tomorrow." I said as I pull away to him.

He nod then stood up into my bed as he went to the bathroom and had a quick shower.

He went to my bed as soon as he finished showering.

I snaked my hand into his waist as I was facing his back. Time passes as I hear him snoring quietly. I giggled slightly as I suddenly felt sleepy.


Here's another chapter. Sorry for the short chapter hehe. So what do you think about it?

How about Jaehyun thinking about Taeyong? What about Sicheng's dad finding about YuWin?

Next chapter on Friday. Please look forward to it.


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