💛All Alone-23💛

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Chapter 23 | Fight

~Sicheng's POV~

We were nearing the school gate when I forgot to get my books from my locker.

"Hey Yuta, just wait me by the gate, I forgot to get my books on the locker for our assignment." I said.

"Sure." He said as I kissed his cheeks.

I waved at him as I walk to my locker that is not that far from the front gate. I saw him walk towards Jaehyun and they talk.

As I was nearing the lockers, I heard some murmuring inside.

I hide a little to eavesdrop behind the door and tiptoed into my locker quietly to get my books.

As I grab my book I heard them clearly.

"What did he even saw at you? Weak, nerd and a teacher's pet. I know you don't have friend here so sad to think about that no one will ever stop us from you." A girl said that voice is very familiar. It was Mina.

Who is she talking too? I thought. I came closer to them and heard someone sobbing.

"Look who's crying now. You're pathetic." Mina said and then two of her friends laughed.

"Now leave our Jaehyunie alone!" She yelled.

"No!" The voice is familiar. "I'm the only one who can call him Jaehyunie!"

I gasped, It's Taeyong. I quietly reach them.

"Oh, really?" Mina said.

"How dare you fight back to me!" She yelled as I saw her slapped Taeyong real hard making Taeyong's head hit his locker.

"HEY!!" I shouted as I ran into them. I grabbed Mina's hair and pulled it.

I hear her groaning as her friends ran away without her. I slapped her.

"What did you do to Taeyong?!" I yelled at her.

"Why do you care?" She crosses his arm into his chest.

"If Jaehyun knew about this you're dead." I said as I walk past her.

She then grabbed my wrist making me turn around and face her. She then slapped me and pulled my hair.

Of course his hair is longer so I pulled her hair too.

We started fighting and shouting at each other.

"Hey stop that!!" A very familiar voice shouted.

~Jaehyun's POV~

Taeyong went into his locker to get some books. Then I saw Yuta coming towards me.

"Hey man!" I exclaimed as we did high five. "Where's your Sicheng?"

"Oh he went to his locker. What about Taeyong?" He asked.

"He went to the locker too."

"So why will you stay at Taeyong's?" He asked.

"Just want to spend time with him."

"Spend time huh." He said sarcastically. "Well, there's some protection in his drawer in the bathroom."

"Hey, I don't want to hurt Yongie." I exclaimed then he laughed. "Why is there a protection in his apartment."

"Just incase he bring someone in there." He smirked. "But I guess you're the first who he will bring there. Except for me and Sicheng."

We talk about nonsense for 10 minutes but the two still not coming back.

"What took them so long?" Yuta said worriedly.

"Should we go to the locker?" I said and he nodded.

We went into the locker but heard some shouting inside like there's some fight going on.

Yuta and I shared a worry glance and ran inside.

Sicheng and a girl were pulling each other's hair.

"Hey stop that!!" Yuta shouted.

I saw Taeyong laying in the floor unconscious and a hand print in his cheeks.

Yuta pull away the two to stop fighting as I grab Taeyong in bridal style.

"What happened here?" I asked in my angry tone.

"Jaehyunie--" She spoke but I cut her sentence.

"Don't call me that. I don't even know you!" I yelled at her. "What did you do to Taeyong?!"

She just lower her head at me sobbing.

"I saw her slap Taeyong hard then he hit his head into his locker." Sicheng explained.

"Sorry Jaehyun. I like you!" She yelled.

"And I hate you. Do you think I would like someone like you?" I rolled my eyes to her and walk pass her. "Let's go Yuta."


Update guyss!!

What do you think about this chapter? And the fight OMG hahaha!!


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