💛All Alone-22💛

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Chapter 22 | He's Mine

~Third Person's POV~

The rest of the week days are just normal for Taeyong as the two just keep their relationship secret for the whole school as Taeyong know that Jaehyun is very famous among girls.

The next friday had come and the four of them, meaning, Taeyong, Jaehyun, Yuta and Sicheng are in their lunch break at the cafeteria where their usual table is.

Yuta and Sicheng are the only one eating while Taeyong is tutoring Jaehyun.

"Hey, why do you tutor him this hour?" Yuta asked.

"Actually after school, we're go straight to my apartment and do our other assignments." Taeyong answered.

"Actually, I'll stay with him this weekend." Jaehyun said smiling at Taeyong which the latter smiled back.

Yuta just nodded then continued to eat his lunch with Sicheng.

~Taeyong's POV~

The school bell rang signaling that the school day is finished. Hallways then started to get crowded as many students got out of the classroom.

"Jaehyunie, just wait me by the front gate. I'll just get something on my locker." I said as I started to walk away.

He nodded then waved goodbye at me, while Yuta and Sicheng got outside the classroom already.

I walk into the almost empty hallways as the student are now probably going home now and some are going to their lockers.

I arrived in front of my locker then started unlocking it.

I got some of my books for some of our assignments.

I also get some extra pen just in case my pen ran out of ink while doing some assignments with Jaehyun. I smiled in the thought of us making assignments.

As I turn around there are three girls surrounded me.

I suddenly felt nervous as they walk close to me.

"So you're the one huh?" One of them said, she has straight black hair.

"I'm w-what?" I stuttered.

"You're Jaehyun's boyfriend right?" She asked.

"W-what d-do you m-mean?"

"Don't play weak here, we always follow Jaehyun everywhere but everytime we tried to approach him, he's always with you!" She pointed at my chest making me to step backward and hit my back into the cold metal of the lockers.

"We-we're just f-friends."

"No you're not, we always saw you two holding hands and him kissing you like he was yours!" She yelled making me flinch. 

"What did he even saw at you? Weak, nerd and a teacher's pet. I know you don't have friend here so sad to think about that no one will ever stop us from you." She added.

My lower lip started to tremble as I hold back my tears.

But my eyes failed me and tears started to roll down my cheeks as I sob quietly.

"Look who's crying now. You're pathetic." She said and two of her friends laughed with her.

"Now leave our Jaehyunie alone!"

"No!" I fight back. "I'm the only one who can call him Jaehyunie!"

"Oh, really?" She smirked.

"How dare you fight back to me!" She yelled as she slapped me real hard making my head hit my locker.

Then I heard someone yelling at them as my mind and my sight went blank. 


Another chapter guysss!!

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