💛All Alone-17💛

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Chapter 17 | Late Night Phone Call

~Third Person's POV~

"Oh, sorry Jaehyun, I accidentally press the call button into my contacts, and it's me Taeyong." Said Taeyong on the other line.

Jaehyun's heart skipped by just hearing his voice. The hell is wrong with me? Jaehyun thought.

"Oh, hi Taeyong. Why are you still up?" Jaehyun smiled although Taeyong can't see him.

"I just cant sleep. Did I wake you? Sorry about that I should hang up now."

"No don't. I-uhmm just reading." Jaehyun 0laughed nervously.

"You're reading in the middle of the night?"

"Yeah, I can't sleep too."


"I'm thinking about you." Jaehyun lied but his smile is really genuinely.

Taeyong is blushing right now, good that Jaehyun can't see it.

"I-uhmm..." Taeyong is speechless. He really is blushing right now

"I like you Taeyong." Jaehyun said making Taeyong blush harder that makes him a tomato if it's possible.

"Uhh... Uhmm. I th-think I-I Like y-you to-too." Taeyong stuttered.

Jaehyun is blushing too you know.

"Uhmm..." Jaehyun is so speechless.

"S-so, what a-are we?" Taeyong stuttered again.

"You know we just met and we doesn't know each other very well. So we should take this slow. May I court you?"

Taeyong feels he's about to faint and really blushing hard. He don't know what to say.

"Uhh, y-yeah, you may."

Silence came to both as they didn't know what to say.

"I'll sleep now Jaehyun, thank you for your time, even though I just accidentally press the call button." Taeyong laughed nervously.

"Yeah sure Tae, Good night."

Taeyong's heart skip again but faster than earlier just because Jaehyun gave him a nickname.

"Uh, yeah, good night." Taeyong smiled.

He soon ended the call and feels he's about to faint again.

He slam his head into his pillow and started to move around.

I can't believe I confessed to my crush. And he likes me too! Taeyong thought as he keeps moving around the bed.

He get tired suddenly and now panting for air. He felt being sleepy so he smiled at himself and doze off to sleep.

On the other hand, Jaehyun is now smiling at himself and now he's the one who can't sleep.

He's face still blushing and can't help but think about Taeyong.

Jaehyun opens his Instagram to stalk Taeyong. Soon he has many picture of him in his gallery.

After 30 minutes he lets himself sleep. Dreaming about Taeyong.


Hey, here's another update!

What do you think on this chapter? How about Jaeyong late night phone call? And yay they confess haha... But sorry for the short chapter ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.

Also later is SuperM's comeback, I can't wait!!


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