💛All Alone-15💛

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Chapter 15 | Plan

~Third Person's POV~

The tutor is finished and they're still in the cafe eating some dessert.

"Hey, tomorrow is Saturday. I don't have some friends in school, and I don't have plans for tomorrow so maybe we should hang out?" Jaehyun asked as he sips on his milk tea.

"I don't plans tomorrow either." Taeyong said then looked at Sicheng and Yuta. "How about you guys?"

"I'm coming Tae, you know I live with you." Sicheng said.

"If Sicheng comes I'll come." Yuta smiled then kissed Sicheng.

"I can tag along my cousin. I didn't saw him these past months." Taeyong said.

"Yeah sure. So where do we go tomorrow?" Jaehyun asked.

"Should we go to amusement park?" Taeyong asked.

"That's great! I want to go there since I was a kid but didn't have time to go." Sicheng said.

"Tae, you want to go there?" Yuta asked as Taeyong nodded. "You know there's many people there, and as you're a quiet man you could get easily lost."

"Yuta I'm not a child." Taeyong rolled his eyes. "So it's a plan?"

"Sure. Let's meet there tomorrow at 10 am." Jaehyun smiled showing his dimples.

"You okay Tae? You're turning red." Yuta giggled.

Then Taeyong immediately covered his face with his palm.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Taeyong said.

His heart beat fastened as he is so close with Jaehyun and not to mention, their forearm brushed with each other making his face blush harder.

"We should go." Taeyong immediately ran outside the cafe and clutched his chest.

What's wrong with me? Taeyong thought.

~Jaehyun's POV~

I was really confused at why is Taeyong acting like that.

Does he like me? No impossible. He just witnessed me break up with Doyoung. I shrugged that thought and went inside our house.

"Hey Jaehyun, you home? " My uncle asked by the kitchen.

"Yeah pops." I responded.

"I'm making dinner now, you wanna join me eat?" He asked.

"Sure, I'll just change in my room." I answered walking towards my room.

I got changed immediately then ran down the kitchen.

We ate quietly and finished quickly not having a conversation.

I quickly went into my room and jump into my bed.

I'm so excited about tomorrow, not to mention that I'm with Taeyong the whole day. Wait what Am I thinking? suddenly I drifted into my sleep.

I suddenly woke up by my phone ringing. I groaned as my phone stopped ringing.

I take a look into the time in my phone.


Then my phone rang again by an unknown number in the screen.


I answered the phone and put it into my ear.

"Whoever you are, you better have a good reason for calling me past midnight!" I whisper-shouted into whoever called me.


Hey, another chapter is here.

What do you think about it? Who would call Jaehyun past midnight?

Also SuperM waaah! Also TY's Hair 😍

Also SuperM waaah! Also TY's Hair 😍

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All Alone | JaeYongWhere stories live. Discover now