💛All Alone-11💛

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Chapter 11 | Sick

~Yuta's POV~

I'm literally getting worse minute by minute. My head hurts so much and I feel my body is giving up.

I was laying in my bed when I heard a knock from the front door.

How the hell will I go there if I feel like this. Aarrgghh.

I kick my blanket then hop off from my bed. I feel like my feet already giving up as I continue to walk.

The knock is getting louder and louder as I'm very slow to get through the door.

"Yuta! Open the door." a woman's voice said.

Wait, I thought it's Taeyong.

I open the door to see a lady standing in front of me.

"Noona? I thought you will be home at midnight?" I asked my sister as she went inside the house.

"Well, Taeyong called me." she respond. "He told me that you're sick, and he is on his way here by the way."

"Ohh, ok." I said as I sat in the couch while my sister went to the kitchen.

"You want some soup Yuta? I bought your favorite one!" She shouted from the kitchen.

"No thanks, I'll wait for Taeyong to come first!" I shouted back.

"Ok, I'll make you one then I'll just ask Taeyong to reheat it for you!" She shouted again.

"Yes, thank you noona."

I went back to my room then lay down straight in my bed.

~Taeyong's POV~

We are now on our way to Yuta's house as I notice that Sicheng is very nervous.

"Hey, don't worry about Mina Noona. She's a great sister and she knew that Yuta's gay." I said as I patted his shoulder.

"I know. But what if she doesn't like me? What if she wants me and Yuta to break up?" Sicheng said, he is really nervous about Mina Noona.

We walk there quickly as I know Yuta is a very unhealthy guy. He needs his medicine now.

As we walk there in silence, just some cars passing by, we arrived at a big house beside me, it has a gate and the house has whitish color painting and many windows like there's so many room in it and It has a beautiful garden that you can see outside.

"We're here." I stop in front of the gate.

We went inside the gate then there's the beautiful garden.

"Yuta and I play here a lot." I said as I recall all my childhood memories with Yuta.

He is my one and only best friend and nothing and no one could ever change that.

We arrived into the front door then I made a loud knock.

I heard a woman's voice said Coming!

We heard the door knob click then it opened as we saw Mina standing in front of us.

"Ohh Taeyong, it's been long time." She said as she hugged me tightly. "Oh, you brought a friend."

"Hi my name is Dong Sicheng. Nice to meet you." Sicheng greeted as he bow down.

"So you're Sicheng." Mina smirked as she raised a brow.

"You know me Noona?" Sicheng asked.

"Why wouldn't I? Yuta tells me all about you every time. He even sends me a picture with you when he's in the school." She giggled.

"Oh." Sicheng made a nervous laugh.

"Why don't you come in?" Mina said as she open the door widely so that we can walk in.

We went inside then Sicheng makes a 'wow' reaction.

"Your house is big." Sicheng muttered.

"Well, Taeyong used to sleep over here when they're young." Mina said.

"So Noona, where is Yuta?" I asked.

"He's in his room. I made him his favorite soup but didn't take it. Just reheat it if he gets hungry, it's in the table." She pointed at the counter in the kitchen.

I smiled then bowed at her as we take the stairs to Yuta's room.

As I knock at his door I heard come in on the other side of the door.

As I opened the door, there we saw Yuta laying in his bed while being wrapped by his blanket.

"Hey Yuta, you ok?" I asked as I approached him.

"What do you think?" He rolled his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me you're sick? I must've dismissed you early." I said as I take a sit in his chair beside his bed.

"You're very busy you know." He said, then he noticed Sicheng beside me. "Why are you here?"

"I'm very worried you know." Sicheng said in a very worried voice. He really is worried.

"Aww, come here Babe." Yuta spread his arms then Sicheng approached him as he started crying.

"Don't you get sick again."

"Yes babe." Yuta said as they cuddle to each other.

I'm so jealous. I wish I have someone to cuddle with even I'm sick or not.


Here's another chapter guys! What do you think about it?

Also Jaeyong moments, coming soon.

Sorry for the little late updated, but here it is for today!


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