💛All Alone-3💛

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Chapter 3 | Sleepover

~Taeyong's POV~

The last school bell rang and Yuta ran into me as I headed into the school garden before I go to my apartment.

"Taeyong!!" Yuta shouted running towards me. He stop in front of me as he catch his breath before he speak.

"What do you want?" I ask him in confusion.

"Can I sleep in your apartment? I already ask noona that I will be with you and she said yes." Yuta said following me as I walk through the garden.

"Sure, I'm very lonely in my apartment anyway." I said sitting under the tree. Yuta sits beside me.

"Why are we here?" He asked.

"I always come here every lunch when you're out with Sicheng and always before heading home." I said sighing. "It's fresh here."

"You're right."

After 10 minutes, we headed to my apartment. I walk inside as Yuta follows me. Well he has some clothes here if he wants to spend a night here.

We did our assignments before changing clothes then we watched movies in the living room.

"Tae." Yuta calls me.


"Why did you leave me and Sicheng with Jaehyun?" He asked. "Aren't you the one who's assigned to show him around? You always show around the other transferees but it's the first time you ignored Jaehyun. Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing." I lied, letting out a sigh.

"Tae, I'm your best friend, you can tell me everything." He wraps his arm around my shoulder and I took a deep breath.

"I think I like him Yuta." I said as I look to Yuta who is shocked. "It's called love at first sight, right? I didn't know what to do. You know he is my first ever."

"That's ok Tae, I understand." He said rubbing my shoulder. "He also said he wants to be your friend cause he thinks your cute. I said that you're an introvert person."

"You said what?!" I unintentionally scream then covered my mouth quickly. "Why did you say that?"

"He asked me ok, don't shout at me." He said as he leaned his back on the couch.

"Oh." I lowered my head.

"So how did you found out that you have crush on Jaehyun. You gotta be sure cause I know you had never liked someone before." Yuta asked me.

"Well, I stare at him when he enters the classroom with Mr. Moon. He suddenly look at me so I looked away. Then he started to introduce himself and his voice is so nice. He's very cute when he smiles then his dimples will show up. My heart went like really crazy like it's gonna explode any minute when he sit next to me." I said like I'm in another galaxy." But my heart suddenly calmed down when I remember that he has a boyfriend." I lowered my head.

" It's ok Tae, you will find the right one soon." Yuta comforts me." If you're heart beats with someone again just tell me ok. Don't hope that you will be with Jaehyun cause he has a boyfriend."

After the talking we finally decided to sleep. But I'm still wide awake as my mind keeps imagining Jaehyun.

He has a boyfriend yet my heart still beats for him. Why? I don't want to ruin his relationship. I can just find another, there's so many there. It's not just Jaehyun.

I shook my head as I think about him then I let sleep fall upon me, but when I'm about to fall asleep my phone vibrates on the bedside table. It's like 11 o'clock in the evening who could it be?  I thought then I sit up to get my phone. I saw a message so I opened it.


So here's another chapter, and what do you think about it?
What do you think about Yuta talking to Taeyong. And Taeyong liking someone who is in a relationship. Who texted Taeyong in that late night?

Next chapter  on Wednesday. Look forward to it.


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