💛All Alone-6💛

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Chapter 6 | New Friend

~Jaehyun's POV~

I let go of Taeyong's hand and rub the back of my head. I was going to talk but then he started to walk again. I followed him again while I lowered my head. He suddenly face me again making my hair skin jump out of my body.

"Why are you followning me?" He said, this time he is very annoyed.

I really don't know where to go that's why I follow him.

"You see..." I rub my nape then look at him. "You know I'm new here, I don't even know where I would stay when lunch time."

"Is that why you're following me?" He asks then I nod.

He rolls his eyes then grabbed my hand as we started to walk.

We went to the Garden where I saw him yesterday while I was with Sicheng and Yuta.

We take a seat from where he is yesterday. It's so refreshing and have a nice shelter. I guess I know why he's here. We are so quiet as he reads a manga and I just stare at him.

Do I like him? I ask my mind then I shook my head as I speak breaking the Silence.

"Do you always go here every lunch?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He answered still focused on what his reading.

"Why aren't you with Yuta and Sicheng? Yuta said that he is your best friend." I ask again.

"They're dating." He answered.

I think he really is very introverted person as his answers are very short.

"Do you have any friends here?" I ask again.

"Sicheng and Yuta only."

"Can we be friends then?" I asked him with a smile.

"Sure" He looked at me as he smiled back then focuses his attention to the manga again.

~Taeyong's POV~

Did I just made a friend? Well I guess I can be with him without Yuta nor Sicheng around. I thought then I smiled again as I focused back on what Im reading.

After a while of silence, the school bell rang. As usual, the students running from the campus going back to their classroom.

Me and Jaehyun stands then walk outside the garden. We saw Sicheng walking in the campus with a papers.

"Sicheng? Why are you the one taking the test papers?" I asked as we approached Sicheng.

"Mr. Moon told me that he had a date with someone. So he wants me to finish our papers so we can go home early." Sicheng said then I let out a sigh.

"Why didn't he tell me? I'm the president." I said annoyingly.

"Well, you're touring Jaehyun so he didn't want to bother you. You still have to tutor him about our past lesson so he can catch up."

"Fine fine." I sighed. "Let's finish this quickly so I can tutor Jaehyun early."

Sicheng nodded and started to walk going to our classroom.

The class is very noisy as we get in so I shouted quiet to them so they can here my announcement. This students, really. I sighed.

Jaehyun sat straight into his seat as we came in and Sicheng just stood beside me still holding the test papers that we're supposed to answer.

"Class, Mr. Moon is not here today." I said then they started to squeel. "But he left us with some works." I pointed at Sicheng with the papers. "Don't worry as long as Mr. Moon is not here, you can copy with each other. Just dont make it very obvious. You know Mr. Moon."

Yes, I'm being the class president that always comes up with something crazy in the class. I don't really mind it. As long as I can help them with me being a president.


What do you about this chapter?

Mr. Moon on a date?

Next chapter on Wednesday, look forward to it.


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