💛All Alone-9💛

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Chapter 9 | Tutor Part 2

~Jaehyun's POV~

Taeyong went to the counter to get some milk tea. Then I focus on my work that he had taught me. It was quiet as there are only few customers inside the cafe.

"So why are you early in the school this morning?" Sicheng asked as he breaks the silence.

"Oh, my uncle's house is just nearby so I just have to walk about 5-8 minutes from it." I answered still focusing on my work.

"But why were you inside the classroom? The keys were on Taeyong so he supposed to be the one opening the room." He said as he furrowed his eyebrows on confusion.

"The door isn't locked, so I just went inside."

"Wait, I locked it yesterday." He said. "Or maybe I forgot." He whispers but I heard him. "Nevermind, just focus on your work, I'll do our assignment."

Then he grabbed his notebook and pen from his bag then started writing on a clean page of the notebook.

"Why were you with Taeyong by the way?" I asked.

"Ohh, I live with him since last night." He said as he lowered his head.


"Yuta and me are dating, but my father found out so he threw me away to the house." He said as the corner of his eyes started to get watery.

"I'm sorry, don't cry. I'm a friend too so you can also come to me anytime." I smiled at him then he smiled back.

We focused back to our own work as I noticed Taeyong takes long to get his milk tea.

"Hey, Taeyong takes long. He said he just order milk tea." I said to Sicheng.

"Oh, don't worry about him, maybe he just went to the comfort room." He said still focusing on his work and I nodded.

~Taeyong's POV~

"Ohh, Mr. Lee what are you doing here?" asked the man.

"Oh, Good afternoon Mr. Moon." I bowed at him. "I'm tutoring Jaehyun here sir."

"That's good. Keep it up Mr. Lee." he patted my shoulder.

"How about you sir? What are you doing here?" I asked back.

"I'm here with my date, he just went to the comfort room." He answered.

"You really ditch our afternoon class for this huh." I said.

"Don't worry. I'll make it up with you guys tomorrow." He giggled.

"Sir, your milk tea is ready." The woman in counter said.

I grabbed the milk then bowed to Mr. Moon.

"Btw sir, our table is at the back corner." I smiled then walk into our table.

There I saw Sicheng and Jaehyun focusing on their works.

"Hey." I said as I approached our table sitting beside Jaehyun again, hoping I won't turn into a tomato again.

"What took you so long?" Sicheng asked as he looked at me.

"I just saw Mr. Moon here. He said he had date here." I said as I sip my milk tea.

"Really?" Sicheng furrowed his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes then Jaehyun taps my shoulder wanting to teach him other subject.

After a while, maybe 10 minutes, someone approached our table. As we look up, we saw Mr. Moon standing beside our table.

"Well, my students are very hard-working." He said as he crosses his arm into his chest.

"Well, we want to have a great future, and without your help, we won't be even doing this." Sicheng said.

"Why are you on our table sir?" I asked.

"Well we wanted to sit beside your table so." He smile as he pointed the table next to us.

"Ok sir have a good day." I smiled at him then he goes to sit into their table.

~Jaehyun's POV~

I really wasn't paying attention to them as I want the tutoring to be done as early as possible.

As we were studying here, someone approached Mr. Moon into his table. Then as he speaks I heard his voice very familiar.

"Hey Babe." The man said to Mr. Moon.

Me, Sicheng and Taeyong looks into the table next to us. For a moment we are facing the man's back, but his voice is very familiar to me.

"Guys, this is my date. Meet Kim Doyoung." Mr. Moon said.

Did he said Kim Doyoung? No, it can't be.

The three of us stood up. As the man turn around to us, Taeyong and Sicheng bowed down.

While my eyes are widened, really in shock who is in front of me.


Here's another chapter guys!

So Kim Doyoung is here haha. What do you think will happen next chapter.

Next chapter on Wednesday, lolk forward to it!

Im excited for WayV's Bad Alive English Version yay!


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