Chapter Fifteen

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As much as I I wanted to hate Van right now, I couldn't. I was trying so hard to hold back a smile but I couldn't when he was on stage in his element. Then he played the song he wrote about me and I couldn't contain the smile I was holding back anymore. The boys all made their way off stage before Van somehow, all giving me a hug and a 'nice to see you' as they passed me to go backstage. As Van walked over to me I could see that the feeling of excitement that he must've felt when he was on the stage was fading the closer he stepped towards me.

I don't know what possessed me to do so but the minute he was within arms length of me I held my arms out and pulled him in for a hug. He was definitely shocked but soon his arms were tightly wrapped around my upper body. My sister was right, we care so deeply for each other and my heart brought me here for a reason. He placed a kiss on my forehead and then his head rested on top of mines.

"I promise I won't hurt you again Olivia. I promise" his arms went from being wrapped around my shoulders to his hands holding my face as his bright blue eyes looked straight at me. "I was over thinking that night because everything was so perfect it scared me. I  didn't want to tell you I changed my mind because I didn't think it was fair but now you're here by choice 'nd I seen you smiling through the whole...."

I interrupted him by planting a kiss on his lips. When I considered what Van told me about his last relationship I understood why he felt incapable and was overthinking the long distance.

"Are we okay now?" I can't believe he just asked me that, it made me giggle though.

"Course we are" The second I finished his arms wrapped round me again however this time they were even tighter than before.

He took me by the hand and led me into the room the four boys were sitting in and once they clocked we were hand in hand they jokingly cheered at us.

"I'm guessing we're all happy again" Asked Larry as he picked up two bottles and made his way over with them.

Vans arm swung round my shoulder and we took the two bottles from Larry, it reminded me of the first time I came and hung out with them all. This time they were all buzzing 'cause they got off stage 5 minutes ago and although the room smelt like a bunch of sweaty teenage boys I wouldn't change it.

After about half an hour of sitting chatting to the boys they decided that they're going out, I suggested a bar on the corner of Sauchiehall Street that's usually quite quiet but quiet in a good way.  The six of us made our way over to the pub but me and Van walked behind hand in hand for the first time in what felt like forever. Van kept looking over at me as we were walking and smiling to himself until I asked him what he was looking at and he put his arm round me telling me how much he missed me.

Larry got the first round, as well as a round of shots that we definitely not needed but we took them anyway. Time flew by and poor Bob could hardly even stand, Benji was on the phone to Liz telling her how in love he was, Larry and Van were singing their lungs out to whatever song was being played and Bondy was just sitting back with me laughing at the total mess the boys were in.

"We're going to head back before Bob dies" Said Benji who was had bobs arm rund his shoulder so Bob wouldn't fall.

"I'm going to bed" Larry took bob from the other side. Bondy shook his head and wandered out the door behind them leaving me and Van.

"You can come back to my parents if you want?" I offered, he wouldn't even be phased if I asked him to come back to mine but when I said my parents his face dropped and he looked all nervous. "They're in Spain" A sigh of relief escaped his mouth.

As we walked through Glasgow making our way back to mines Van was showing his affection more than he ever has, he was really drunk and a few people recognised him as we walked by them. A few of the people that recognised him stopped for a photo but they'll look back at it in the morning and probably think vans a right freak, in his defence the majority of people that stopped for a photo were just as drunk. Finally, we made it back to my parents and although my parents weren't in, we crept upstairs into the spare room when I was sleeping. Van kicked off all his clothes in about 2 minutes and I just got changed into an old t-shirt and pair of shorts before climbing into the bed with Van.

"D'you think our kids will have your green eyes or my blue eyes" We only made up a few hours ago and he's already thinking about what our kids would look like. It kind of scared me at first but it was somewhat nice to know he thought of me like that.

"Your blue ones" I respond as he runs his hands through my hair.

"I think we'd need a boy first, so that when we have a girl she grows up with an older brother to look after her" This wasn't something that just popped into his head, he'd clearly thought about it many times. "Harris and Esme, quite like those names"

"Harris and Esme sound like they'd have green eyes" He was definitely more drunk than I was, I was pretty much sober by now but I just went along with it.

"Blair and Isla, that names sound quite Scottish so if they have my blue eyes they have your family heritage."  For being extremely drunk I was quite impressed by how quickly he thought of two Scottish names, it was like he was a mind reader. My grandad is called Blair and Isla is my middle name.

"Isla is my middle name, Blair is my grandads name"

"Shut up! So your name is Olivia Isla Mcsomething" I laughed because he still can't pronounce my last name, it was funny. "So if we have a boy and he's got blue eyes we'll call him Blair and his middle name can be Harris, if he's got green eyes we'll do it the other way round. A girl with blue eyes will be Isla and her middle name can be Esme and the other way round if she's got green eyes. Plan?"

"Plan" I can't believe he was actually thinking of this with me, I know he probably won't remember it in the morning but I was shocked he was thinking of this anyway.

"What colours your natural hair Liv?"

"Don't laugh, ginger"

"My beard comes in ginger, I feel like the names we picked would suit ginger kids though D'ya think?" He was proper invested in this topic, proper stressing over the fact the names might not suit the kids that don't even exist. We only just started speaking again and he's already planning our kids names and picturing our first born.


"You're tired. Night babe" He planted a kiss on my forehead and rolled over to go to sleep, then rolling back over to put his arms round me so that I ended up falling asleep in his arms. I wonder if he'll remember this in the morning.

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