Chapter Twenty Five

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Liv made my favourite, spaghetti carbonara and when I tell you nobody makes it as good as her I mean it. After we finished eating I did the dishes and we sat on the sofa watching whatever crap was on the tv,  my head was resting on her chest as her hands brushed through my hair. Even just hearing her giggle at the little comments we made about whatever we were watching was enough to make me feel emotional, I've missed her so much and I was so scared seeing her passed out, it's not something I normally see and the fact it was Liv didn't help.

As the hours went by I realised that home isn't a place, it's a feeling and whenever I was with Olivia I felt at home. She's everything I've ever wanted, so effortlessly beautiful and she doesn't even realise it, I honestly feel like such a kid around her but I love it. Larry always laughs at the fact I'm such a softie but who says a guy can't be babied by their girlfriend? Don't get me wrong I love being the gentleman and stuff but it's nice to be the little spoon every once and a while.

"My sister was asking if we wanted to go round for tea tomorrow, you up for a night with three girls or would you prefer a nice in?" Three girls? So there definitely wasn't a man in Katie's life but what about Emily's dad? I always wondered what the case was with that.

"Course I'm up for it" I say, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Right, Let's hear some of your new songs then. 'Av got an acoustic guitar in the cupboard so that'll have to do" An acoustic guitar? I get that she likes music but why does she have a guitar? Maybe it's her dads or something. "My dad taught me when I was young and that was my 16th birthday present" She must've read the confused look on my face.

"You can play? Kept that one quiet" she rolled her eyes at me in a joking manner and handed me the guitar, I'm surprised it's actually decently in tune but that was probably down to her dad. "Right this ones called seven" Her eyes lit up and somehow I was nervous to play this to her, especially 'cause it's about when I was stupid and ended things which I didn't like to think about too much but then again, it's good to look at how far we've come.

"Larry call a load of smoke in, I wanna lose a couple days
We've probably never struggled coping but I never want to
Promise again that I would call her,
Forget the time cause I'm 7 hours behind
It's probably good I didn't call though but I always want to

I'd beg you but you know I'm never home
I'd love you but I need another year alone
I've tried to ignore it every time you phone
But I never come close

I don't think through things, I never get time cause I don't think things through

Larry call a load of smoke in, I wanna disappear for days
We've probably never struggled sleeping but I never want to
Promise again that I would call her
Forget the time cause I'm 7 hour behind
It's probably good I didnt' call though but I always want to

I'd beg you but you know I'm never home
I'd love you but I need another year alone
Ive tried to ignore it every time you phone
But I never come close

I don't think through things, I never get time cause I don't think things through

I'd beg you but you know I'm never home
I'd love you but I need another second to myself
I've tried to ignore it every time you phone
But I never come close

I'd beg you but you know I'm never home
I'd love you but I need another year alone
I've tried to ignore it every time you phone
But I never come close"

Once I finished and lifted my head up to see her reaction her eyes were watery yet she had the biggest smile on her face.

"That's beautiful Van, absolutely beautiful" I'm so glad she likes it, I decided I'll play her one more cause I honestly can't get enough of her cute little smile when I'm playing which proper melts my heart. All the other songs I've wrote so far I wasn't 100% sure on yet but there's one called anything that she'll like. It's less 'I'm so depressed because I dumped you' and more 'this is how much I love you, please don't ever leave me'

'I don't wanna picture our first born, if you've stopped discussing names with me'

I took that right from the night I was stupidly drunk and started going off about how we're going to have kids together despite it being a few hours after we got back together. Her reaction made me laugh slightly while I was singing, she's got that smile that just lights up the room and having someone I can come home to and play my songs to means so much to me. I'm not one for comparing Olivia to my ex but if I ever attempted to show kat one of my songs she'd just get bored and wouldn't even listen. Liv on the other hand sits and listens like nothing else matters, she does it with a look that shows me she's proud as well which makes me feel like what I imagine those footballers feel when they score the winning goal.

Although I'm already winning because I've met my soulmate and the dreams I've had since I was a kid are all coming true.

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