Chapter Sixteen

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Olivia wasn't in bed when I woke up, probably cause it was half 11 so I wandered down stairs after throwing my shirt back on without even doing up the buttons to see her sitting with a cup of what I presumed was tea in her hands. She was wearing the same dressing gown that she wore that night I came round with flowers and she was devastated cause of her ex however this time she was wearing it along with the very smile that made me fall for her in the first place.

"Morning, theres bacon, sausages and that in the fridge if you're wanting. I don't mind cooking it, the boys can come round if they want, there's plenty" I can't believe after everything that I did and after the fact we only really made up last night she's already back to offering us her hospitality like she always did.

"You sure?"

"Yeah course! Yous are only here a few more days so may as well make the most of it you know" I'm so lucky that she's taken me back, so so lucky.

I phoned Larry and told him Liv offered them breakfast and the lids said they'd be here soon with a change of clothes for me so I didn't have to wear the same clothes I wore at the gig last night. As soon as I hung up the phone the conversation I had with Liv before we went to sleep came into my head, I was so forward. Only a few hours after we made up I was already trying to discuss what we'd name our kids and picture what they'd look like. Don't get me wrong I can't wait to have a family of my own, I'm so excited to have kids but I can't believe I just sprung that on her last night. The fact she thinks I will have forgotten is even worse, it's not the type of conversation you should be forgetting which is why I decided to bring it up before the boys got here. They're all very family orientated boys but I think I'm the one who wants to get married and have kids the most, Benjis been with Liz for ages but he's just not that type of person.

"So Olivia Isla MacLaughlin, d'you still think Harris, Esme, Blair and Isla are suitable names?" I asked, her face lit up as if she was shocked I remembered. I'm shocked I remembered to be honest. I was also surprised I pronounced her name right, I've never been able to do it but if I'm picturing having kids with her I need to start learning how to pronounce her last name.

"I'm impressed, didn't think you'd remember and you got my name right, even the middle name"

"Course I did love, can't be forgetting this type of important info" I shot her a wink and she just shook her head and let out a little laugh.

Now that I think of it, she's not even like my official girlfriend, I haven't asked her or anything. I'm sitting discussing what we'll call our babies and I've not even asked her to be my girlfriend. Maybe I should wait till Friday when we leave, or Thursday night because that's our last night in Glasgow. Maybe it would give her reassurance if I did it now but I feel like she'll need the reassurance before we're on the road again, we've pictured our babies so I feel like I can wait till Thursday night till I ask her. I wanted to do it now and have her as my girlfriend now but it wasn't just about me, we just got sorted and she might not be ready yet.

The doorbell went and Olivia told me to answer it because she was upstairs getting dressed, the boys were stood at the door looking like they've just woken up from a coma. It wasn't my house and it wasn't even Olivias so I didn't exact feel like I was right to invite them in even though Olivia was in the middle of making breakfast for them.

"Come in, just throw your jackets over the bannister" Olivia said as she came down the stairs. Bob passed me a bag which had a pair of jeans and a jumper for me in it so I quickly nipped up stairs and got changed. When I got downstairs they were all chatting and it made me smile seeing Liv with the boys, they loved her. Soon Olivia placed various breakfast foods onto her table and told us just to help herself, I could help but notice all she was having is toast.

"You've made all this for us and you"re just having toast?" I realised I might have sounded like a bit of a twat as soon as I said it but it's pretty clear by now that I don't think before I speak.

"Yeah I'm not really hungry, I'm never really hungry after a night out" That's like Bondy, never hungry after he drinks and the rest of us could all eat a horse after drinking. Those two had a lot in common it was scary, Bondy really likes Olivia. Makes me happy cause they've got a really good friendship. Even after three weeks of not speaking to each other, last night every time I looked over at them they were laughing.

We all finished our food and Olivia stood up to go and do the dishes but I said it wasn't fair that she did all this so I offered to do them but she said no. She's honestly one of the most kindhearted people I've ever met. Larry and Bondy raced for the toilet after Bondy announced he needed a piss, Larry made it in first though just to wind him up but Olivia shouted telling Bondy to go upstairs. Olivia was in the kitchen and it was just me Bob and Benji sat in the living room.

"We spoke about what we'd call our kids last night" They opened their eyes wider in shock at me. "Well I just kind of went off in one about what we could call our kids and their middle names and what they might look like"

"You're in love with her mate" Said Benji as Larry joined us again. "Larry you've known Van longer than any of us, do you think he's in love? He was discussing baby names with her last night"

"Mate you're definitely in love with her, you've not ever been like this about a girl and you've always been dead serious about wanting a family and you've always said you need to wait for the right girl. Olivias the only one you've ever thought about that with and those three weeks you were away from her were probably the worst three weeks of your life"

I never thought about whether I was in love with her or not. I thought I would know straight away but maybe they're right, maybe I am in love with her. I noticed Bondy come downstairs and I couldn't be arsed going into this again but he made his way into the kitchen presumably to give Olivia a hand so I didn't have to start from the start.

"I think I'll ask her to be my proper girlfriend on Thursday" I said

"Fuck that Van ask her now, tell her you love her on Thursday cause if you wait any longer to ask her you won't be having kids with her" Bob was right, I'll ask her later once they've left.

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