Chapter Twenty Six

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I only had one meeting today which was in the afternoon but I was still working so I definitely wasn't going to be much company to Van all day. Part of me still feels guilty that he didn't get the welcome home I wanted to give him, instead he got me passed out on my kitchen floor because I hadn't slept properly in a few days, never been more embarrassed in my life. On the other hand, I slept like a baby last night with Van by my side and when I woke up to go downstairs and start work he was still sound asleep.

Everything I did seemed to be ten times louder than it usually would be, I didn't want to when him but by the time I'm downstairs he won't be able to hear anything from up here so he'll sleep just fine, I hope. Because I'm self employed and I have a home office, I'm normally just in comfy clothes until I've got a meeting and today I didn't need to worry about meetings until 3.

"Morning beautiful" His hands wrap round my waist from behind me while I was spreading my toast, giving me the biggest scare ever.

"Fucking hell Van" I spin round to face him, we're standing so close to each other and I'm seriously baffled as how this man looks this good after just waking up.

"Do you have to work today? Can we not just lie in bed all day" His forehead meets mine while he pouts with his bottom lip and his bright blue eyes look into mine making it so hard to say no.

"Stop looking at me like that, I'll be done by four" I give his cheeks a squeeze and wriggle myself free from his arms so I can start working because if he keeps acting like this I'll never be done.

Thankfully Van decided to spend the day at Larrys meaning that I could power through the day without any distractions. There's nothing better than vans company but all I want to do when he's here is hug him and tell him how grateful I am so I'd never get any work done.

"I'll pick you up at 5 babe" He flashed me a cheeky smile and a wink, it's funny because he goes from being a massive softie to being this cool rockstar who definitely wasn't moaning about not getting a cuddle from his girlfriend half an hour ago.

Luckily, I'm one of those people who enjoy what they do for a living, graphic design and art is something I've always been so passionate about and because it's my own company all my clients are so patient and kind. The work I did for The Balcony definitely helped get my name out there and I'm so grateful for that, especially because in Llandudno absolutely everybody knows them and think it's ace that they got someone local to do their album cover.

Just as I was about to leave to go to to my meeting, Katie sent me a message.

Katie x

Van coming tonight? X

Yeah,  we'll see you just after five x

Emily can't wait to meet him, she's
actually buzzing to meet 'auntie Livs boyfriend'

Aww, right I've got a meeting so I'll see you
tonight x

My meeting passed quicker than I expected, I was home by four which meant I had more time than expected to get ready. It wasn't nothing fancy tonight though, just going round to my sisters for tea and introducing Van to the only family I could for now. Although my parents are desperate to meet him, especially my dad.

Next thing I know, the time is 5 o clock and a car pulls up outside my house, when I peek through the curtains I can see Van in his car and he flashes me a quick wave when he sees me. I grab my jacket and head out to vans car which took me back to the very first night we went for a drive to my sisters. Just like that night he greeted me with the same ' y'alright Liv?', one hand on the wheel and the other on the hand brake. Unlike his usual black shirt, he was wearing a burgundy one which is absolutely unheard of considering all his wardrobe is massively dominated by the colour black.

His eyes kept drifting from the road to me with a smile on his face which gave me butterflies, he has such an amazing smile. The hand he rested on the handbrake was now on my thigh while the other remained on the wheel and I started to feel like I was in a movie or something. This is the type of romance I though only existed in films, driving through the dark with music on while he acts all cool with one hand on the wheel, the other on my thigh and his head tilted back, giving me the odd smile every once and a while.

Eventually we arrive at my sisters and I could tell Van felt somewhat nervous so I reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze while we waited for Katie to answer the door.

"Nice to finally meet you! Come in!" Katie pulls Van in for a hug as we step inside and gives me a sly wink, it's the first time she's ever seen him up close and every time I spoke about him I went on about how perfect he was so I'm glad she was impressed.

"Auntie Liv!" Emily's youthful voice asks as she runs towards me with open arms. I tilt my head towards Van and pick her up and rest her on my hip while she carefully inspects him.

By the time we arrived at Katie's supper was ready so we all just made our way into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Emily was adamant that she was sitting next to Van which he definitely didn't mind, although he was probably sick of getting peas flung at him every couple of minutes. Every time I've been babysitting Emily, Van seemed to FaceTime so they've spoke so much times already which is why Emily seen Van as her new best friend.

"So Van, yous doing a new album anytime soon? The first one is class, congratulations by the way" Katie asks.

"Yeah we'll we're in wales doing gigs here for a bit and then going to a few places in Europe, we'll be back properly by April so we'll start recording it then for it to hopefully be released by the end of the year or beginning of next" Normally he's so over the top when he's talking about his music but he definitely toned it down in for the of my sister which made me laugh a bit.

"I think you sing really good!" Van looks over at Emily and smiles at her compliment like he's never received one before.

"I'm sure you sing much better sweetheart" My heart was actually melting and I could tell Katie's was too.

Me and Katie had to do the dishes as there was absolutely no way Van and Emily were going to leave each other's side but we didn't mind. I've never seen Van around a child before but I always knew he was going to be the type of person who was just a natural around them because of how buzzing he is to have his own family. Really melts my heart.

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