Chapter Eighteen

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Last night the two of us walked around Glasgow in the middle of the night, arm in arm just following the streetlights. It was our last night in Glasgow which meant it was my last night with Liv.  The past few nights I've spent with Liv inspired me to write some stuff, I wrote a song I think I'll call 7 and a few other lyrics I wasn't completely sure of. It was the only song that's ever come to me so quickly and I think I know what I want to do with the guitar and everything.

Liv threw on her classic boots and leather jacket and the sadness soon hit me like a ton of bricks, I didn't want to leave her again, I've already asked her to come with us but she can't cause of work. Thankfully this time our time together was coming to an end on a positive note, Liv was my girlfriend now and she said she'd try come to our weekend shows. After I chucked my jacket on her arms flew round my neck and she gave me the goodbye look I prayed she wouldn't.

"I don't want to go" I moaned, resting our foreheads together and putting my hands on her waist.

"Don't say that, you've worked to get here Van" her warm hand on my cheek made leaving even more difficult "C'mon they'll all be waiting for you" She turned round to open the door but I took her by the hand and spun her back round to face me.

"Liv I'm not meaning to be a prick but you remember our promise?" Thankfully she didn't get annoyed by my constant worrying and just smiled back.

"I'll send you a picture of my supper every night so you have peace of mind"

"That's my girl" She giggled in response and then the walk to the tour bus began.

The crew were all stood out the bus waiting for me but the gig in Liverpool wasn't till tomorrow so I wasn't feeling guilty. It's weird cause it wasn't like we were leaving home or anything, we literally just stopped in Glasgow for a few days but those few days were some of the best days of my life which is why it felt so difficult to come away from it all and get back to touring. The lids all said goodbye to Liv and then it was just me left.

"I love you" I said while pulling her in close to me one last time before we go, the look of surprise that appeared on her face made me giggle.

"I love you too" Her cheeks flushed pink and her soft lips met mine for the last time. "Right, have fun, I'll text you everyday and I will see you soon"

"See you soon Liv" I gave her one more kiss before stepping on to the bus and waving goodbye from the window.

"Van Mcann you big fat softie" Exclaimed Larry, chucking a pillow at me to which I threw right back and shook my head.

I've never been in a relationship where I've felt this happy and secure in, the boys all know that, especially Larry. My ex, Kat, was the type of person who thought she was better than everyone, I was oblivious to this because of how strongly I felt about her. Just because she grew up at a good school and her parents are both solicitors, she seemed to look down on us 'cause none of us are like that at all, we're just a group of scruffy lads who played music in a garage for fun instead of go to like book club or whatever posh boys do. Now that I think about it I've got no clue how we even ended up together and to think I thought we would last is mad.

Now I'm with a girl I came so lose to losing and she's perfect, she's everything I've wanted. She worked for everything she has and she's just as passionate about the band as I am. Knowing that she created the album cover is really heart warming because now every time the logo is behind us on the stage it reminds me of her and how amazing she is. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't upset that she didn't want me to know about her problems but I understood and I think I've managed to prove her wrong. I haven't made a big deal out of anything but I've made a big enough deal so I know she's okay because I'm not losing her again.

"Olivia alright?" Bondy asked, sitting opposite me away from the rest of the boys. He was the only other person that knew about Liv and I'm glad its him because of how close they are.

"Yeah she's fine, she promised to text me a picture of her supper every night so I know she's okay and that's all I've asked because I trust her"

"So mate d'you think she's the one? The one you'll have kids with seen as you've already planned their names" Benji teased

"Dunno lid maybe after album three" I say back, by the the time we do a third album it will be maybe three or four years of being together and we'll be in our late twenties.

"We've got to do a second one first"

"Well we've got soundcheck and I need to show yous one called 7 which I'm thinking could be the Kathleen of album two, of we have like soundcheck as pacifier and I think I might have one to be the fallout of album two"

"I think we should do eleven songs and single word titles again" Bob added "keep a theme"

We sat and spoke about what we could do for the second Album when I got an phone call from our manager, all I could think about was the stuff we've done wrong, he was probably phoning,to give us a row for summet. He said he wasn't gonna take more than 2 minutes and he had good news, which was surprising, thought I was gonna get an hour long lecture. The words he spoke over the phone sent chills down my spine. I'm in disbelief, surely not.

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