Chapter Thirty One

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The two of us slowly walk round to Larrys where the bus was picking them up, holding hands for the last time. It makes me so happy seeing them all in their element doing what they love but I'll miss them. We make it to the bus and I give the boys all a goodbye hug, they've been so good to me, they're like family.

"You enjoy yourself, don't give yourself time to sit and overthink" I say to Benji before he jumps on the bus.

"Thank you Olivia, you're a star" he shoots me a smile and then heads on to the bus, leaving me and Van.

His arms wrap tightly around my waist so I stand on my toes so that I can wrap my arms round his neck. Vans chin rests on my shoulder and he places a few kisses on my cheek.

"Wish you were coming" He whispers

"Stop I'll end up crying" I pull away from him and his warm hands rest on the bottom of my face, cupping it ever so gently.

"You look after yourself okay? I'll be expecting a picture every night again" His eyebrows raise when he speaks, giving me the impression he was worried about me but he had to reason to be.

"I will, enjoy yourself" I give him a peck so that we din't get all emotional.

"See you soon sweetheart, I love you" His arms wrap back round me even tighter than before. Hearing him call me sweetheart makes my heart melt.

We share a final kiss and Van drags himself on to the bus. Waving at me through the window are the five boys, Larrys pulling a face which is just typical of him. Soon, they're gone from my sight and my phone vibrates in my pocket. 'Miss you already x' It's been 2 minutes and Vans already texted me the 'I miss you' message. It's going to be a long two months but when we see each other again we won't take it for granted. Besides, they'll be recording their second album so I'll actually be able to see them for more than a week.

It's a Sunday afternoon so I decide to drive myself to my sisters, it's the 4th anniversary of Emily's dads death tomorrow so I wanted to just check they were okay. My sister went to school with a boy called Tom and they were together since they were sixteen, Katie then fell pregnant when she was 25 and I don't think I've ever met two people more ready to have a baby together. After Katie announced her pregnancy, Tom proposed to her and they moved into the house Katie lives in now. Two weeks before Emily was due Tom was in an accident, he was instantly killed and it breaks my heart. He was the older brother I never had, always looked out for me because our parents were in Glasgow. Katie couldn't cope but the brave woman in her led to her becoming who she is today. Tom wanted to call the baby Emily, so she did. Tom wanted Katie to get a job as a teacher but she was too anxious but after he passed away she did it. Everything she does is to make him proud and although Emily hasn't met her dad, she's been brought up knowing about him and Tom would be so proud.

It's a really sunny day and I hear Emily's loud giggles when I step out my car so I wander round into their back garden to say hello. Emily's birthdays in two weeks and I was getting her a little swing set, it's something she always goes for at the park and Katie asked if I'd get that for her which I didn't mind.

"Is Van home?" Emilys high pitches voice asks while she runs towards me with open arms.

"Yeah but he'll be back in two months, he's going to sing to lots of people" I pick her up and rest her on my hip. Katie laughs to herself because all Emily's ems to do is talk about Van and how he's her best friend. Van was gutted about missing Emily's birthday but he said he'd FaceTime us when it comes.

"Auntie Liv? Do you love him?" She giggles, love always seems to be funny to little kids. I nod my head and she just laughs.

I place Emily back down and she rushes back over to the toys she was playing with. Katie's sitting on the step at the back door so I wander over and sit down next to her.

"Two months? Will yous cope?" She asks.

"Yeah course we will. He worries about me a lot but he'll be okay" I notice Katie looks confused. "He knows about everything I've went through but he's been so good about it. Doesn't like force me to eat like I'd expect, all he does is ask for a picture of my supper every night so he knows I'm doing fine."

"He's a good one. He's so in love with you Liv" she smiles at me.

"I love him. Anyway, how are you?" I ask, Katie let's out a sigh.

"I'm okay, do you want a cuppa?" She asks, probably avoiding the conversation but she's strong. I know that she'll talk about things when she wants to talk about them.


"Will you give Emily that packet of dried strawberries" Katie says before disappearing into the kitchen.

I pick up the packet and wander over to Emily who is sat wearing her sun hat and dungarees on the grass, playing with a kids puzzle. Her eye slight up when she sees what I've got so I open them and hand her the packet. I decided to take my phone out my pocket and send him a picture of me and Emily. 'Your wee friends missing you x' Within a minute he replies; 'Missing my wee friend too, missing my absolute goddess of a girlfriend as well x' Although I did cringe, it was sweet. I'm going out with a songwriter so I'm used to getting all these poetic compliments. It's only been 3 hours though...

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