Chapter Twenty

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"So Van I'm guessing you two have done the dirty then?" Asked Larry, necking back the rest of his pint. I know they're all going to be shocked by my response.

"Not yet" They all looked at me with the same expressions on their faces.

"What did yous get up to in Glasgow? You were there everyday! Maybe that's why you've been so frustrated lately" Joked Larry giving me shoulder a nudge

"Shut up Larry, we just chat you know"

"So you've planned what you'll call your kids but you've not practiced how to make them?" Benji sat forward in his seat raising his brows at me.

"I don't know if she's ready though and I don't want to make the first move if she's not ready but I don't think she wants to either" The boys all smile at me and I get the feelings they're glad I've not rushed it but they probably think it's getting weird now. "Every morning it was getting worse though"

"Pfft I can imagine" Bob jokes back

"I was too scared to have a wank at hers so Larry if you catch me in the bathroom longer than usual tonight just mind your own business" Larrys face changes from happy to disgusted in a split second but I think it's fair considering all the times I've walked in while he's been at it with his ex.


The house was quickly tidied before my parents taxi arrived outside, I've not seen them in two months so the next few hours before I leave for Llandudno again was going to be special. The two of them stepped out the taxi, all tanned from being away for two weeks and ran up to the door where I was stood. My parents had me in their arms for the first time in ages and there's no better feeling than a hug from your mum and dad. They just left their suitcases at the bottom of the stairs as we sat down for a catch up in the living room, their holiday sounded amazing.

"You heard from Van yet, or are you two still not speaking?" My mum asked, the last she heard was that he ended things with me and then went on tour so their was a lot of catching up to do.

"Well they had a gig here and he texted me asking if I wanted to meet up as we were both in Glasgow and I was probably a bit hard on him, he invited me to their gig anyway and we made up so we're back together I guess" My dad didn't really know much about Van in the first place but he gave my back a rub and my mum smiled.

"He seems like a nice boy who just got a bit caught up in his feelings, I'm glad you're happy" Mum and Katie has probably been talking, what she said sounded too familiar for them not to have been but it didn't bother me.

"He a singer or something?" Said my dad, spitting out half the crisps that were in his mouth. Mum gave him a slap on the leg and told him not to speak with his mouth full which made me laugh.

"Yeah Dad he's in a band, Catfish and the Bottlemen. They released their first album not long ago and they've hit 10,000 sales of it" I don't think either of them quite understood that their band was very different to my dads until now as they looked at each other shocked.

"God that's not bad is it? We'll need a copy of it" Of course my dad would be interested.

"One of the band members knows your band dad, you played at his parents wedding. Johnny Bonds his name, can't remember what his folks are called"

"Christ I remember that! I remember it cause I thought it was a cool last name, he must've only been about 5 or 6 then" I'm surprised my dad actually remembers to be honest.

A few hours of sitting chatting to my parents pass and it's time to head back down to Llandudno, they drove me to the station and if there's one thing I've missed more than anything, it's drives with my parents. Mum started driving but dad was shouting at her for being a bit too nippy and distracted as she's singing away to whatever's on the radio, she pulled in the a random car park and told my dad to drive so he could stop moaning and then once he was driving he was moaning at mum to stop singing, which of course just made her sing louder. Eventually we pulled up outside the train station and they walked with me to the barrier.

"Tell your sister and Emily we're asking for them Liv, we'll come down one weekend and see you all soon." Mum gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug as her eyes filled up with tears. "It's shite you and your sister living the opposite end of the country, and my granddaughter too"

"Aww mum, Katie's dying to see yous and Emily always points you two out in pictures. There's plenty room at my house so you're welcome whenever" I say hoping that my mum will stop the tears because if she doesn't I'll start and them so will my dad. Emily is my mum and dads first granddaughter and she's being raised in the total opposite side of the UK which is hard for them because they just want to play with her and give her a hug, FaceTime doesn't always do it justice.

"Well Liv you're going to miss your train, let us know when you're home and we'll see you soon." My dads strong arms wrapped round my shoulders as he said goodbye, Katie is more of a mummy's girl but I'm definitely a daddy's girl. Katie was in to her dancing and stuff like my mum was and I was more of a football and music kind of girl which is exactly like my dad. "Take care darling"

I successfully managed to hold back the tears when I made my way through the barriers and waved goodbye before stepping on the train which was a miracle, I was waterworks from all three of us but it was just my mum. The train journey almost had me falling asleep until my phone started vibrating against my leg which startled me. It was Van.

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