Chapter Eleven

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Van was supposed to be leaving today but how was I supposed to know what time when he's not spoke to me in 9 days. The last nine days I had spent feelings as lonely as ever, working away in the corner of my living room without Van there was just a reminder of how stupid I was. Don't get me wrong I was heartbroken that he didn't want me after pretending he did but now I was just more annoyed and disappointed. The ring of my doorbell startled me and snapped me out of my thoughts. I opened the door to two guys I didn't expect to be seeing on my doorstep. Bob and Bondy.

"We won't come in, we just need to say something" Bob said, reading the confused look on my face.

"We don't want you to think that we used you for the album cover 'cause were well aware it looks that way. Olivia none of us knew you were a designer and Van didn't even know until you told him and he had feelings for you before that" Said Bondy, speaking with so much intelligence. 'He had feelings for you before that' as if he had feelings for me at all.

"I appreciate yous coming here to say that guys, I do." I tried to make it clear that I was happy that they came because I was, it was nice to see them. "Why did he do it? How did his mind change so quickly?" I asked as they looked at each other and sighed.

"He doesn't think Olivia, he's head over heels for you but he won't listen to any of us"

"We're sorry lass, we've tried talking sense into him in every way possible but he's too stubborn." I nodded my head in response to them going on about how Van is 'head over heels for me' and stuff, I don't know if I believed them but the fact they were here and not Van says a lot.

"We better get going lass we're just heading off to Liverpool but Van said you can phone him if you need anything and he meant it" they were so genuine when they talked which only hurt me more.

I wished them well on their tour and watched them walk away through the peephole in my door. 'Vans head over heels for you' 'he's just stubborn'. What about me? I was head over heels for him but clearly that meant nothing, he knew how hard I found it to trust people and he took advantage of that. I trusted him and he threw it all away.


Bob and Bondy finally joined us on the bus and I know exactly where they've been because they tried convincing me to go there myself but I couldn't bring myself to it. The poor girl probably hated me, I hated me. All I've done the past week or so is think of how naive and horrible I was. I guess that just proves she deserves someone better though. She told me she was finally happy and how do I react to that? By telling her I need a second to myself. What fucking idiot does that to someone.

"Was she okay?" I ask bob as the rest of the boys are all deep in discussion at the other end of the bus.

"Honestly, I dunno. She seemed pretty hurt but she still wished us the best" Of course she did, someone could honestly fire a bullet through her skull and she'd apologise for having a skull in the first place. I wanted to text her and tell her how much I regretted it and how much I wanted to have her back in my arms again but I couldn't. Not now that she hated me.

Her instagram had lot's of new photos of her and Emily, her niece, I couldn't help but smile seeing them. I could've been there to experience that in person but because I was so stupid I'm watching it through a screen like the other 596 people that follow her. If only I had more time, if only things were a little different.

"There's Nothing you can do now apart from phone her mate and you're not going to do that are you? You being all doom and gloom isn't helping anyone" Larry shouted from the back

"Piss off" I muttered.

Soon we arrived in Liverpool and raced out to see the venue we were going to be playing in tonight, it was a small social club kind of place but the local radio station had a studio round the back. Me and Bondy had an interview with them while the others did the soundcheck, our very first interview.

The host was asking various questions about the album, the inspiration and stuff about our home town and how we started. It was actually class, we've never really done anything like this before.

"So your album covers quite unique looking, is this like the catfish and the bottlemen brand? Will we see more like this in the future? I'm guessing the person who designed it for you will be keen to do another" Asked the host.

"Hopefully, the designer was actually a close friend of ours" I froze as soon as I realised we were talking about Olivia. Thankfully I had Bondy who saved me but god, everywhere I went something reminded me of Olivia.

The interview finished just 20 minutes before the show started, we were all absolutely buzzing. If there's one thing that will get Olivia off my mind it's having a guitar in my hands and playing to a live audience.

Sorry This chapters so short!! X

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