Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Look at them! Aww Liv he's so good with her!" Says Katie as we watch Van and Emily through the gap in the door between the living room and the kitchen.

Emily's sat on Vans chest with a toy stethoscope round her neck pretending to be a doctor and Vans playing along with her despite getting a knock to the head with it every so often. A few minutes before she was showing him her favourite book and he sat reading it to her, my heart was actually proper melting seeing them two together. The smile he has around kids is a different smile, he's such a cutie.

"My wee sisters all loved up" Katie gives me a nudge, noticing the grin I've got on my face due to how cute Van and Emily are being. "Awww imagine what he'll be like when yous have your own"

I laugh at how Katie's just met him and she think we'll have our own kids. I mean we've obviously talked about it but it's too soon for any of that now, we've not been together long enough and we're both so busy. Katie and I entered the living room where Vans now sat layed back on the couch with Emily sitting on his lap watching the tv.

The times now half nine which is way past her bed time and there's no way she's going to bed unless we're gone. God knows how we're going to pull them apart though.

"Auntie Liv and Van are going home now Emily, they'll come back soon though" The look on her faces changes from happy to disappointed in a split second, Vans just as bad though.

"It's your auntie Liv's bedtime and I've got to make sure she goes to sleep, I'll be back soon though sweetheart" Van notices the change in Emily's expression and picks her up after he stands up to leave. "Just like the Princess in your book, Liv is my princess and I've got to make sure nobody comes and steals her"

Just when I thought my heart was done melting away inside of me Van pulls that out his mouth and looks me in the eyes when he says it.

Emily's gets passed back to Katie while Van pulls his jacket over his shoulders and thanks Katie for the supper. Although Katie Just thanks him for looking after Emily and giving me and Katie some time alone for a change. Goodbyes are said and several hugs between Emily and Van are exchanged before the two of us hop back in his car to head home.

Van tells me how much he enjoyed the night and I don't think he's actually stopped smiling since we actually got to my sisters. He's holding my hand with one hand and the others on the wheel, every now and then he'll give the back of my hand a kiss. It's the little things like this that make me realise how lucky I am to have Van in my life. Instead of taking the road straight through the town, Van takes a detour on the road that takes you even further from Llandudno.

"Van?" Just when I'm about to ask he gives me hand a squeeze and looks me right in the eye.

"I want to show you something, it will just take 10 minutes"

After a couple minutes Van parks his car and we step out in to the car park where he parked it. His hand reaches for mine as he guides me through a very thin path that's been over grown with all sorts of wild life. We reach a cliff that looks over the whole of Llandudno and it has an amazing view of the beach.

"S'where I come to get peace or write music or just think about stuff" He said, admiring the view while the wind blows through his hair. "It's where I came the night after ending things with you, sat here for a bit and had a bit of a cry. Then went to see the lids but they just did my head in so I went home but pretty much here is where I realised how much I wanted to be with you and now I've got you so I sometimes just come here to think about us. I love you Olivia, I really do and I don't want to get old with anyone else or have anyone else waiting for me to come home"

My eyes start to water and I don't know why, maybe because nobody's ever shown me this type of love before. Hearing him say stuff like that makes me all emotional, in a good way. His arms wrap round my shoulders and he rests his chin on the top of my head.

"I love you." I whisper into his chest, his lips plant a kiss on my forehead.

"C'mon then, I don't want you freezing to death" As much as I loved standing there with Van, admiring the view, it was freezing so I'm glad he made the first move.

Van opens the car door for me like the gentleman and it makes me smile because you can tell he doesn't just act like this cause he thinks that's what your supposed to do, it's clear that it just comes naturally to him which is even better. Once we arrive back at mines I tell him he's welcome to stay but he says he feels like he's hardly seen his mum and dad so he'll just go home which is absolutely fine.

"You should come round, not tomorrow night cause my mum will panic cause she's had no warning but on Friday? Or just come round for a cuppa after work tomorrow or something"

"I can come round tomorrow afternoon at like 2?"

"See you then gorgeous" he leans over for a kiss and gives me a wink while I get out the car.

I'm gonna have to meet vans parents in my work clothes, great. Although it's not too bad considering I normally wear a shirt with a pair of jeans or a t-shirt and blazer so it could be worse I guess.

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