Chapter Seven

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Olivia drifted off to sleep in the passenger seat of my car, her head against the window and my jacket as a cover. She looked beautiful. In 10 minutes we'd be back in Llandudno and she'll get to her bed for a proper sleep. The whole day I spent at hers while she worked away at our album cover, seeing her so passionate about her work was great. It's like me with my music. Bob was one of the only people who knew how I really felt about her, mainly cause he's smart and was able to pick up on it, the feelings I had for her way so strong yet the feelings she had for me were probably nonexistent.

I parked the car in a lay-by and unbuckled my seat belt as I noticed Livs head lift up and look at me confused.

"Just having a smoke love, we'll be home in 10 minutes" as I opened the car door I heard her seat belt unbuckle and she sat on the bonnet of my car with me. Her head rested on my shoulder as my heart started beating at 200 miles an hour, she hated the taste of my fags but it never stopped her smoking them with me. We finished our cigs and jumped back in the car, eventually we reached her house at half 12.

"Thank you for today Van, I really enjoyed it." She pulled the jacket off her shoulders and held it out to me but I wasn't needing it back anytime soon so I just told her to keep it. Then she disappeared off in to her house and I was alone in my car. Her perfume was still in the air and I couldn't stop thinking about her. Bob was the one I needed to speak to but he'd be asleep by now so the first thing I'll do when I wake up is go over to his.


"It's obvious she likes you lad, I can't believe you don't realise. Normally you notice when a girl fancies you within two seconds" Bob said, sat back on the chair in the cafe with a cup of tea in his hand. "Maybe it's cause you've got to do all the chasing this time"

"I dunno, if she doesn't feel the same it's just shit. We won't go back to being friends" I looked up at bob who was sat shaking his head at me.

"We're only home another two weeks mate." His Hand gave my shoulder a tight squeeze as he wandered off through the house. He was right, we're only here another two weeks and what if she did feel the same? If she didn't I could just avoid her for two weeks and then be off on tour but that would be me being a prick and I didn't want her to assume my true colours were coming out, those weren't my true colours.


The beachfront was surprisingly empty but it was crazily windy which is probably why. Ahead of me was a small, thin lady with short brown hair falling loosely out of a beanie and I recognised her instantly. Definitely thinner than when we first met but I never really thought much of it.I shouted Olivia but got no response, it was definitely her, I could tell by the way she walked. Three times I've shouted but still no answer, here was me thinking she might have liked me back. That was stupid of me, she doesn't even want to speak to me now. Fuck it, I'll walk towards her and see if she wants to speak to me then so I sped up a bit. As soon as she noticed someone beside her she jumped, pulling wires from her ears. She was wearing headphones, that's why she didn't answer.

"Christ, what you up to, you alright?" She asked, tucking her headphones away in to her pocket.

"Av just come for a walk, clear my head 'n' that" Should I fell her now? Should I leave it? Fuck it. "Can we talk?"

"Yeah, yeah sure" we came to a halt and she stood in front of me, if I didn't say it now I was probably never going to say it.

"Liv, the time we've spent together has been ace right, you're honestly such a laugh. You're also beautiful by the way, everything you do is so captivating and I don't know if you've noticed but I can't ever seem to stop looking at you so I apologise for looking like a creep" She let out a small laugh from her nose, looking at me with a smile on her face. "And I think... I think I've got feelings for you. I don't think, I know I do but you probably won't feel the same 'cause you're like way out of my league and we're like good friends so you proba..."

I always had a thing for rambling on when I was nervous but Livs small hand on my cheek shut me up, not just because her hand was freezing but because I couldn't tell whether she was about to say she didn't like me like that or the opposite. After a couple long seconds her other hand crept up to my other cheek and our faces slowly started drifting closer and closer together. Our foreheads were touching and her emerald green eyes were staring into mine.

"I feel the same" She whispered, I could stop my mouth from forming into the biggest smile. Olivia liked me back, she fucking liked me back. A giggle left my mouth as she looked up at me with the same smile that made me catch feelings for her in the first place.

Soon our lips met for the first time and my heart was melting inside of me, I couldn't believe this was happening. We pulled our faces back from each other and I felt like a school boy who just had his first kiss. Still, I was in complete awe that she even considered me as more than a friend.

"What now?" She asked, biting her bottom lip when she smiled, driving me absolutely mad.

"I'm leaving here in two weeks" the smile dropped from her face immediately and so did mine. "We better make the most of it" I placed my arm round her shoulder as she leaned her head against mine. "Do you want to go for food?"

"I'm not hungry, we can go to mines if you want but you'll have to deal with me working a bit" Hearing her welcome ne so gladly in to her home made me feel like she really did appreciate me, I was glad. I didn't care if she had to work, her company was good enough.

Hey, I have some big things planned for the next few chapters!
I have another book called 'Made Me Fall In Love With Glasgow' which is a Van Mcann fanfic, a shorter one than what this will be but if you were interested you could give it a read. I'm undecided as to whether to carry it on or not but this book is going to be much better so I'm focusing on this.

Thanks for reading <3

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