Chapter Twentyone

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"It's 10 at night Liv, 'av you had supper? You've not sent me anything" No hello or how are you, just straight into it. I'm surprised that event after two weeks he's still persistent I send him a picture everyday but it could be worse, he could have been the type of person who would make me FaceTime him every time I eat or something. I'm very thankful that he's so trusting in me which probably wasn't easy for him because all he wants to do is look after me so I did feel guilty not sending him anything to give him peace of mind.

"Sorry Van I'm on the train and have been since half 5 so I've not had anything but I'll be home in just over an hour so I'll have like pasta or something out the cupboard" I really did feel guilty for not telling him, we've not spoke since yesterday and I've just been busy but I probably should've just told him.

"Have you had something today though?" The concern in his voice didn't help with the guilt I was already feeling.

"Yeah I had a bowl of porridge this morning"

"A bowl of porridge and a bowl of pasta isn't much Liv"

"You sound tired, what's your plans for tonight?" I changed the subject because I didn't need him worrying, I just wasn't hungry today.

"Nothing I'm shattered, we're playing tomorrow though. I've written a few new songs and I can't wait to play you them" He changed from being concerned to buzzing and I loved how happy and passionate he is when he talks about music.

"Won't be long" I say, I know that they have a few concerts in Wales soon so hopefully they'll stop in past Llandudno or something.

"Av got to go darling but I'll speak to you soon, make sure you have something to eat when you're home okay?" I miss hearing his voice in person, it's only really been two weeks and I miss him so much.

"Will do, I love you Van"

"I love you too Liv, see you soon"

The rest of the train journey home I spent thinking about Van and how much I really did love him. No man has ever made me feel the way he does, he's such a gentleman and to say my boyfriend is my best friend is amazing. Unlike every other man I've been involved with Van is intelligent and so mature, although he definitely has a childish side and that's something that makes me love him even more.

My house was cold when I got in because I forgot to turn the heating on but I flicked it on and started making some pasta because I know that I needed to and Van would be stressing if he didn't get a picture of it. It was just a bowl of plain pasta but it's better than nothing, tomorrow I'll do the food shop after work as I'm baby sitting Emily while Katie goes on a date.

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