Chapter Seventeen

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Bondy joined me in the kitchen instead of going to sit with the boys which I didn't mind, he asked if I wanted a hand but I told him not to be silly. Bondy was probably the one I was closest to, apart from Van obviously, we've got so much in common and he's currently in the house of the man who played at his mum and dads wedding which he was extremely fascinated by. There was a record played in the corner of the kitchen and I could see him inspecting the collection of vinyls stacked next to it.

"Are you okay Olivia?" He asked, he sounded genuinely concerned which left me confused.

"Yeah, course I am" I replied while placing the last plate into the dishwasher.

"In the bathroom upstairs there's prescription tablets on the sink and I wasn't being nosey Olivia they were just sitting there" I knew exactly what pills he was talking about, I can't believe I left them out. What if Van seen them? "Antidepressants, Olivia you should've told one of us"

"I don't need them anymore, I just need to finish the prescription apparently. I'm fine now I promise"

"You can tell me everything Olivia, you clearly haven't spoke about it in a while" He was so concerned for me and I know I should talk about it so we sat down at the smaller table in my kitchen and just as I was about to tell Bondy the story Van walked in. I didn't want Van to know but Bondy saved the day by telling him we were just talking about my dads band and Van only popped through to see if I needed a hand so he soon disappeared back to the living room. I made Bondy promise he wouldn't tell Van and after a lot of persuading he finally promised.

"I've always really struggled with my mental health and then me and my ex broke up and I hit an all time low cause he was horrible to me. I stopped eating and everything, my sisters the only family I have in Llandudno and thankfully she picked up on it before it was too late. She told me we were going for a drive while her daughter was at nursery but instead she drove me to the hospital cause she didn't want to see me 'wasting away' anymore. I got help and once I realised the dangers of what I was doing to myself I stopped starving myself because there was a chance I might not be able to have kids of my own and that's all I've ever wanted so I got help and then a few days later I meet Van on the side of the pavement and I've gotten so much better since"

"Do you mean it though, are you seriously telling me after Van was horrible to you, you were fine?" He asked

"No, but only on the mental health sides of things, I didn't stop eating or anything, I was just not as happy as I was when Van was about which would be normal" Bondy looked at me with a pitiful look which is exactly what I didn't want.

"We're leaving in two days, you're going to be alone and schools are back in Llandudno so your sister won't have as much free time, you'll just be working all day by yourself" I could tell by the time in his voice that he was only looking out for me but I didn't need it.

That's when Van stepped back into the kitchen and it was clear he never left the other side of the door in the first place. Once I realised he probably heard everything I put my head in my hands. The worst part is he heard me beg Bondy not to tell him and he heard that after he asked for a year alone I wasn't doing well, the reason I didn't want Van to know is cause he'd just blame himself and he'd see me differently which isn't what I wanted. I felt his hand on my shoulder and when I looked up he wasn't annoyed like I thought he might be, instead he just smiled.

"I'll tell the boys you two want some time alone yeah?" Said Bondy as he stood up from the kitchen table and wandered through to the living room.

The boys all grabbed their coats and thanked me for my hospitality and then it was just me and Van who was sat opposite me at the small table in the kitchen of my parents house. His hands reached across the table and engulfed mines while he looked me in the eyes and caressed the backs of my hands with his thumbs.

"Stop panicking Liv" he spoke so softly and it was like he read my mind

"How much did you hear?" I ask nervously, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"As much as I needed to hear, look you obviously don't want to make a big deal out of it so I'm gonna trust that you've got it under control okay? But Liv please know you can tell me anything, I don't care how minor or unimportant you think it is" the fact he didn't make me go through everything again and how he never broke eye contact once really made me feel somewhat safe.

I expected him to want to become my bloody therapist or doctor but he didn't, he just accepted it and I couldn't have asked for a better outcome. He got up from his seat and pulled me up from mines, his arms reached under mines while his head rested on my shoulder as he crouched to be at roughly the same level as me.

"I don't want to lose you again Liv, I'm not going to make a big deal out of it but promise me that you're telling the truth about getting better" he said quietly into my ear.

"I promise, as soon as I realised I might not be able to have kids if I got worse I knew I had to stop and last nights chat has made me regret it even more so yes, I promise" his cute little smile appeared on his face along with the dimple that also appears anytime he moves his face slightly.

"I'm glad, I need to ask you something else as well" he pulled back slightly and tried hiding a smirk on his face, I gave him a confused look and a little laugh escaped his mouth. "Will you be my girlfriend, official girlfriend?"

"I'd love to" I said as he picked me up and planted a kiss on my lips, hosting the biggest smile I've ever seen.

It was perfect, everything about this past 24 hours has been perfect. Things could've gone so differently but Van didn't let them and it just showed the type of person he really is. I don't know what I did to deserve a man like this, he's all I've ever wanted.

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