Chapter Nineteen

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"Boys, I have some Good and bad news" I say, they all give me the look of anticipation

"Bad news first"

"Well we'll be home and done the tour properly in 6 months but they want us straight in the studio and working on a new album so we won't really be getting a break which I don't mind but I know some of you might"

"That's brill! They want us to do a second album and none of us even asked to do it, what the bloody hell is the good news?" Bondy laughed, all the boys agreed with him that the fact we weren't getting a break wasn't that bad but I think Benji was wanting some time with Liz away from the busyness of our job and I was the same but the positives outweigh the negatives.

"We've sold 10,000 copies of The Balcony" I cheer as the boys look at me in shock.

By the time we all wrapped our heads round the fact the album has sold 10,000 copies we arrived in Liverpool. Tonight was going to be a night of celebrating but before that I needed to phone my parents and Liv and tell them, just as I pressed my mums name on my phone I realised we hadn't really spoke in a while and I felt quite guilty.

"Hiya love you alright?" My mums voice spoke over the phone.

"You with dad mum?" I ask, smiling to myself about what I was going to tell them.

"Yeah I'll put you on speaker, everything okay?" I hear her fiddling around on her phone then my dads hoarse voice shout hello into the phone.

"Yeah 'av got good news"

"You managed to get Olivia back?" She exclaims, I can picture her face right now. My dad was definitely sitting with a smirk on his face and my Mum was probably all excited.

"No, well yes but that's not what I have to tell you. We sold ten thousand copies of The Balcony and we're almost reaching fifteen thousand" I hear a gasp on the other end of the phone and my dad whisper a few swear words.

"Oh my god that's amazing! We're so proud of you aren't we?"

"Yeah you've done us proud son, very proud" Hearing my dad day that makes me feel so happy, when we first started about 5 years ago he was skeptical but he never said that to us, I could tell he was but now he's so proud. Me and my dad are total opposites but I'm definitely a daddy's boy so I'll never get sick of him telling me he's proud.

"Thank yous, wouldn't be here without you two so" I say, receiving a tut from the other end as if my mum was saying 'don't be silly'.

"You were saying you and Olivia are back Van? What bloody magic did you have to pull for that?" My dad laughed, I pictured my mum giving him a dirty look and it made me laugh.

"Well I seen she was in Glasgow staying at her parents and then we met up and I invited her to our gig. Didn't expect her to come but she did and then we made up, spent the next few days together and I asked her to be my girlfriend. Now I'm back on the road but she'll come to our weekend shows when she can"

"Aww Van she sounds lovely, we can't wait to meet her!" Mum was so happy for me, when I told her about me ending this with Liv she didn't have a go at me but she talked some sense into me but at the time I was too scared to ask for a second chance.

"Well Van we're very proud of you and I'm guessing you'll be wanting to tell the missus about your success so we'll hear from you soon darling."

I said goodbye to my parents and hung up the phone. We're such a close family and I've really missed them and hearing their voice and how proud they were of me heightened that but knowing they were sat at home listening to every interview and watching all the videos from our gigs made me feel better. Now it was time to phone Liv and tell her, the time was 6PM so I was expecting a text from her anyway. The phone started ringing and for some reason I felt nervous until she picked up.

"Missing me already?" She teased, just hearing her voice again sent a smile to my face.

"yes andddd we sold 10,000 copies of the album"

"no way! Fuckin hell Van that's brilliant, awww I'm well happy for yous"  Hearing her voice and how happy she was melted my heart.

"Ano we're going out tonight to celebrate but we've got a gig tomorrow so we can't get too drunk. Anyway what's for tea Liv?" I ask in a tone that she wouldn't find offensive, I didn't want her to think I was pushing her or nagging at her but I just wanted to make sure she was okay.

"Carbonara, just waiting for the spaghetti, I never had breakfast but I had a chicken cesar salad for my lunch" You can tell by the way she speaks that she's proud of herself, I'm proud of her.

"Carbonara? You make my favourite the night I leave? Cheers babe. I'm proud of you though, you've done well" She was proud of me for the success in my career and I was proud of her for eating, they're both very different but they're both just as important to one another.

"Thank you, I'll let you get going and enjoy your night, I won't send you a picture and save you from the heartbreak of knowing I've made your fave"

"I'm still expecting a picture so I can save it to the food porn album in my phone. I love you and I'll speak to you soon okay?"

The lids were waiting for me downstairs so we could head out and celebrate our success, tomorrow we were playing to 1500 people which is mad. Just as we left I got a picture sent though of Olivias carbonara, I'm glad she's serious about getting better. Makes me well happy seeing her now in comparison to when I first met her, she seems in a much better place. We made our way into the pub closest to our hotel and Bondy got the first round as we all sat round a table.

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