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Thank you Michael for this awesome prompt suggestion!! Remember you can comment some in the comment section, I accept Fluff/Angst/Any AUs but not adult stuff
TW-Death Mention, I don't go into that much detail for the sake of anyone triggered

Thomas can see GHOSTS

He has 6 living in his house

Patton, who overdosed on Depression pills
Logan, who got electrocuted
Janus, who got burned in an accident
Remus, who's mental state crumbled
Roman, who got stabbed
And finally
Virgil, who committed suicide

It was a normal day for Thomas, he was about to go to sleep when he heard noises from downstairs

Thomas's phone died so all he had was a flashlight and some batteries

It was late and stormy at night, the power went out but it came back on soon

Thomas slowly went downstairs and saw 5 people, well not so much people rather 5 translucent beings

They were all different colors. Thomas didnt know their names so he just called them by their colors

Light Blue was baking cookies, they smelled delicious and Thomas wanted to have some

Dark Blue was sitting at the dining table reading a book called The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie

Yellow was reading as well, but on the couch. It was a book on mental health tips. A glass of wine was on the coffee table

Red was also on the couch, A Disney movie was playing on the T.V and he was singing along to the music

Green was on the beanbag, playing who knows on Thomas's Switch that he got a few weeks ago as a birthday present from his best friend Joan

And Purple was upstairs hiding in the bathroom, he was the first who sensed Thomas's presence and was worried about if Thomas could do bad things to ghosts like send them back to the afterlife or send them to hell

Thomas did the only logical thing to do and screamed because there's translucent strangers in his house

It startled everyone

Who are you and why are you in my house?!

We're ghosts, obviously

We used to live in this house and we all died here. We were allowed to come back as a ghost and live freely in the house

Totally not weird at all, anyway I'm Thomas, the current resident here

I'm Patton!! This is Logan. We're dating



Call me Deceit, that idiot sitting on your beanbag is my boyfriend Remus

Ooh cool new guy!!!

Greetings Thomas, I am the wonderful Roman!! Can everyone leave for a sec, you all know the drill

Should I-

You stay, there's one more of us


Follow me upstairs, he's a bit of a worry wart and sensed your presence so he hid in the bathroom


Thomas follows Roman to the bathroom and saw a Purple ball curled up into himself. He was sitting in the bathtub, too afraid to show his face to his boyfriend Roman

Roman sat down next to the Purple ball and took him in his arms, running his hands through the purple locks of hair

Sh sh sh Stormy, it's alright, it's ok, he's not going to hurt us, I'm right here, it's going to be ok

The Purple ball opened his eyes and saw Thomas, he quickly shut them still afraid. He buried his face in Roman, not wanting to see Thomas again

This is Virgil, we're dating. He's just scared of you because you're new and he's not a fan of strangers. He has Anxiety which is why he's in here, he sensed your presence and hid because he's worried about if you were somebody who did very bad things to ghosts

Does he want a hug to show that I'm a nice person or-

I am only allowed to touch him, Virgil has made a very very strong relationship with me, in this case a romantic relationship, and he has trusted me to not let others touch him

Ok. Virgil, I get how you feel, I also have Anxiety. I am a nice person and I am not going to hurt you, I'm just uh what's the word-


No-I, it's just-

Everyone thought I was.
Roman helped prove them wrong.
Roman got stabbed after a break in.
I found his body in the kitchen.
This very kitchen in your house.
Everyone thought that I was scary again.
Saying that I killed him.
I couldn't deal with it anymore.
Soon I joined Roman in the sky.
I committed suicide.
Hung from the living room fan.
You should go, you don't want to start trouble.

Thomas yawned because like the narrator said, it was late at night

I am going to go actually, pretty tired so I have to sleep now. So I have to leave the bathroom

Thomas left the bathroom, leaving Roman and Virgil alone in the bathtub

I don't trust the Stranger at all, he's a liar like the person before him

How do you know that, you two have one thing in common and he said out loud that he isn't going to hurt us

I was lied to by a lot of people, how do you know that's he's different Roman

He didn't ghostbust us, he didn't threaten to send us to hell, and he was friendly and nice to us when the rest of us first met him. Please just trust me on this one?


Thank you Stormy, I love you

I love you too Princey

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