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Another one suggested by Michael!!
Thank you so so much for suggesting a bunch!

Virgil was not jazzed for CAMPING
Roman was jazzed

Roman wanted his boyfriend to try and get out of his comfort zone and Virgil reluctantly suggested that they go out in the wilderness

The couple rented a camper and they got a whole bunch of groceries with their friend Patton. They also got outdoors advice/tips and tricks from their other friend Logan

Roman and Virgil got packed and clipped their car hook with the camper hook. They drove to a local campsite and picked a spot with an awesome stargazing place

They unpacked and got everything set up for the adventure they were going on

Day 1-
Virgil, do you want me to tell you a story?

Yeah, but the fire is scary

We can sit together in our double chair and we can be situated near the fire but not super close so that we can get warm and roast marshmallows for s'mores later

Alright, are you going to tell my favorite one?

I will, it's one of my favorites too

Day 2-
Aaaahhhhh Spider!!!!

They're harmless, you'll be fine Princey

Get back here you creepy crawly death dealer!!

Come here Spider friend, I'll release you so that you don't suffer at the hands of the Big Bad Roman with a shoe as a weapon to squash you

Oh come on I was gonna kill the spider!!

Well I released it, it probably had other spider family members and they would be so sad if one of them didn't come back

Day 3-
Virgil? Virgil? Where are you Stormy? You should be in bed with me cuddling. Oh great it's raining outside, here we go again

Princey join me it's fun!!

I do not want to mess up my perfect hair and you should be in my arms sleeping, you'll be cold and soaked if you stay for longer


You'll regret it later, please come inside or I'm shutting the door in 5!

Fine I'll go inside, I'm actually getting a bit cold

Thank you Stormy

Day 4-
It's peaceful out here

Yep. it's just you, me, and the stars

Logan would be talking his head off about these bright and shiny balls of light

He would

Day 5-
Did you like the camping trip?

Yeah, it was fun

Hooray you're getting out of your comfort zone!! I loved it

Maybe this can be a yearly thing or something

Yeah, I think we can actually buy the camper and put it in our garage for when we don't need it out on the driveway to save space, sounds good?

Yeah, I love you Roman

I love you too Virgil

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