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TW-Mentions of Abuse, Neglect, Suicide, Guns, Drugs, Cigarettes, and Cigarette Burns
Also there's spoilers for The Breakfast Club
Saturday, March 24, 1984. Shermer High School, Shermer, Illinois. 60062. Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was that we did wrong. What we did was wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write this essay telling you who we think we are. What do you care? You see us as you want to see us...in the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions. You see us as a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a prince, a criminal, and a player, Correct? That's the way we saw eachother at 7:00 this morning. We were brainwashed

4 cars drove up to Shermer High School

The first was a BMW. Shiny, brand new and expensive. Inside was Roman and Remus Standish. Roman was known as Prince because of winning Prom King every year, always getting what he wants. An actor by heart, participating in Theatre Productions. Very insecure and peer-pressured by his friends

Meanwhile Remus was a Player. Rumored to have slept with the whole student body. His friends would describe him as unhinged while he preferred demented. A local worshipper of Jeffery Dahmer. Unfortunately suffers from Intrusive Thoughts

The Twins opened their car doors and stepped onto Campus

Next was a black mini-van. Looks like it was donated and passed down over the years. Inside was Logan Johnson, Shermers resident Brain. Logical and closed off, spends all his time studying. Known to bottle his emotions and diagnosed with OCD. His parents also put him under a lot if he doesn't study

Logan opened his car door and stepped onto Campus

Third was a light gray pickup truck. On the back was many bumper stickers advertising sports and championship games. Inside was Patton Clark, Shermers Top Athlete. Excelling at every practice and game, he never missed one, until today. Generally friendly with everyone he meets, including his teammates and coach. Secretly is diagnosed with Depression

Patton opened his car door and stepped onto Campus after a little pep-talk with his Dad

Across the Street, someone was walking. That was Janus Bender. Known as Deceit or the Criminal, he terrorizes other students and steals their stuff like lunch money. Acts out a lot to get attention. Deals with Compulsive Lying and tries to hide the pain of his abusive Father

A purple bandwagon was about to hit Janus. It screeched with a halt and Virgil Reynolds was let outside. He was about to say goodbye when his parents rode off. Virgil was notorious for being an Emo. He was always called the Basket Case due to him not having friends and his loner behavior. Always in the back of classes, keeping quiet and not causing trouble. Always has his headphones on. Suffers from Anxiety and his Parents neglecting him

Janus and Virgil stepped onto Campus

The 6 teens were let inside the hallowed halls of High School, being told to report to the library where Assistant Principal Vernon awaited them, the teens got assigned to write an essay about who they are

Mr Vernon left them alone

The teens were left to their own devices in the library. They danced, talked, bickered, and fought

Mr Vernon had to ask the teens for a bathroom break, all of them shot up their hands. While they were doing that, Janus snuck off to his locker to get his drugs. He came back to the bathroom door, waiting for the others. Everyone else reappeared and had an iconic hallway montage, trying to escape from the School, finding every exit locked. Eventually they came back to the library, defeated

Roman noticed how Virgil was alone at his table, he got up from the front and sat next to Virgil. Virgil scooted 1 seat away from him. Roman scooted to the seat next to him. They repeated until the chair capacity was full, Virgil was annoyed that he couldn't move over by a seat

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