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"Done," I muttered, throwing my head back slightly in relief. I had managed to finish editing shortly after eleven, "Thanks again," I told Austin reluctantly as he continued to lounge on the couch beside me. 

He glanced over at me, a smile tugging at his lips and nodded, "Of course."I let out a quiet sigh as I finished typing up my e-mail to Mark and Adam with the photos from earlier. I logged off and stood up from my spot, stretching my arms above my head as I attempted to loosen my stiff back.
"I should get going," I told Austin, fumbling with my phone in an attempt to call an Uber. 

He jumped up from his spot and nodded, patting his pockets as he looked for his keys, "My keys are downstairs." 

"I can just call a ride, it's not a big deal," I told him, following close behind as he took off downstairs. 

He chuckled and shook his head slightly as we rounded the corner to the kitchen, "Don't be silly, I'll drive you home." 

I huffed and made my way over to him, reaching out to place my hand on top of his as he finally clutched his keys, "Austin, stop." 

His eyes lingered on my hand on top of his for a brief moment before tearing his gaze away to meet mine, "I'm not letting you drive home with a stranger. It'll be quicker anyway if I take you," He reasoned. 

I narrowed my eyes slightly at him, "Why are you doing all this for me?" I questioned, softening my gaze and removing my hand from his. I leaned against the counter and crossed my arms across my chest while he pondered his answer.A slight smile played on his lips while he swung his keys around on his finger. 

He shrugged slightly as a faint blush crept onto his cheeks, "You're my best friend, why wouldn't I do all this for you?"I hung my head slightly, his words stinging as he spoke. I brought my head back up and his soft gaze met mine before he sighed slightly, leaning against the counter to mirror me. 

"I just want to make things right again," He said softly, "I miss you. I miss us, the way we were," He muttered, bringing his gaze back down to meet his keys as they twirled on his finger. 

I swallowed hard and nodded, not able to lie to myself any longer, "I miss us too," I said, giving him a soft smile.His keys stopped jingling but his gaze remained fixed on the inanimate object in
his hand. His lips slowly curled into a smile and he finally tore his eyes away from his keys. 

He smiled at me and nodded, content with the progress that we were making and reached out to take my hand in his, "Come on, let's get you home," He said, gently gripping my hand in his as he led me out the door.His hand in mine fit perfectly and if it weren't for the lingering feelings of anger and annoyance towards him I might have enjoyed it. It was just a step in the right
direction and I wasn't about to let my guard down completely just yet.He held the door to his car open for me and I slid in, muttering a thank you of sorts as he closed the door behind me.
He climbed in and started the car up, grinning over at me briefly before pulling out of his driveway. 

"There's a party tomorrow night at Dre's house, you should come," He said, "It's sort of our pre-tour ritual." 

"Another night, another party. I don't know how you keep up," I said, shifting in my seat, "Now I get the 'always tired' tattoos," I teased, pointing to the tattoos under his eyes. 

He chuckled, "You've always been a homebody, I'm glad to see that hasn't changed. Come on, it'll be fun," he pleaded, giving me a reassuring grin. 

I rolled my eyes, "I'll pass." 

Austin huffed slightly but nodded as we stopped at a red light, "Remember when we'd leave school to get lunch together?" 

I giggled at the thought, wondering where this sudden bout of nostalgia came from, "And then your dad caught us one day and took us back to school?" 

Running in circles(Post Malone Story)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now