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My blood is boiling. How dare he treat me like one of his groupies. Like I was some dumb slut that wouldn't take a hint and leave. Adam was staring at me open mouthed and dumbfounded. Smitty looked in between shocked and pissed. My mind was moving a million miles per hour. Thinking of all the things I wanted to scream at him, about wanting to beat some sense into him. I stood up and took a deep breath before walking away from the table scene. I could hear Adam and Smitty shouting behind me but I just needed out of this room. It felt like the walls were closing in on me. I walked towards the nearest exit holding my pass up to various security guards on my way, barely registering what they were saying to me. As soon as i'm in the fresh air I gasp for the fresh air, realising I've been holding my breath the whole way and my tears.  They start to run freely from my eyes as I walk further away from the venue, in no particular direction. I just needed to get away from everyone.

I sat down on a bench looking up at some unknown park I found myself in. It was pretty. The lawns had been freshly mowed and the flowers where in full bloom. Pink, blue and white flowers lined the perfectly preened green. The hedges neatly trimmed and not a piece of rubbish in sight. I watched as people cycled, jogged and walked by. Mostly all content and happy. None paying any attention to the sad crying girl on the bench. I don't know how long I sat there people watching and avoiding contemplating life. This seemed like a good place to do that, I just wasn't in a good place in my head to do that today. I wanted to speak to my mom. But I know she would talk me into trying to sort it out with Austin and be the bigger person. And that's the complete opposite of what I need right now. I need to be angry at him. Angry hurt less than the alternative.
It was that moment I realised in all the commotion in the canteen I must have left my phone on the table that had been flipped. I had no idea of the time, where I was and it was starting to get dark. I started off the way I arrived and followed the sign posts to the venue. I arrived 30 mins later to panicked looks off the security and the crew. Adam came running over checking me over and pulling me in for a hug.

"Where the fuck have you been?" he scolded

"To get some air" I replied meekly

"What, 4 hours ago!!"

"Oh shit I've been gone that long? Sorry. I just needed to not be here, you know?" I felt my eyes well up with tears again. I tried to blink them back before they fell. I was picked up and squeezed from behind.

"Don't you ever do that again" Smitty squeezes me tight, lifting me off the ground.

"Im sorry" he puts me down and brushes the tears away that have fell from my eyes and kisses my cheek.

"Post has your phone and be warned he has wrecked his dressing room in frustration"

"Frustration of what?" I look between them confused.

"Of you walking off. I think he phoned your mom" Adam winces.

"My mom? Why has he phoned my mom!?"

"He thought you'd left for good" Smitty sighs "to be honest we all did"

"I wouldn't leave without my clothes" I try to muster up some cheer to crack a joke but it comes out flat. "I best go find out what Post Malone has said to my mom"

I start my slow walk to his dressing room, aware that every member of the crew is staring at me as I pass. They all know that something has happened between me and Austin. Whether they think it's sexual or not, they all know his outbursts have been my doing. It feels like I'm walking to sentencing or that I've been called to the principal's office, like a naughty child. I could hear the noise from down the corridor, obviously no one had told him I'd come back safe and sound. Probably too scared to disturb him, would rather me face the wrath. My thoughts wander to the last time I saw him do something like this.

Running in circles(Post Malone Story)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now