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“Anger is a strong emotion, to the point that we forget the love we have for each other.”

Your feet gracefully landed on the cold tiles of the Academy where young vampires and angels go to understand each other's culture and beliefs.

You walked towards the circular platform that was facing the wall, it wasn't long until it lit up white, indicating that it recognized you as a student.

The wall made an opening that was a bit bigger than you as you stepped in. White painted walls and students of two races came into view as the entrance behind you closed.

Everyone was interacting happily, vampires and angels. There were no conflicts between the two races.

Except for you and him.


You snapped out of your trance and looked in the direction where the voice came from. You smiled and watched your dear friend squish himself in between the sea of students.

When he arrived in front of you, he was already panting as he took a deep breath, "Y/n."

"Hoseok." He straightened his back causing you to look up to him because he was towering over you.

"How's your vacation?" He asked, his smile almost blinding you due to how bright it was.

You winced, "Don't ask me. How about you?"

"It was the best!"

"I know and I envy you, you've got the chance to relax. My vacation almost killed me!"

Hoseok chuckled and his eyes widened when he realized something, "I have a gift for you!"

You watched him take something out from his messenger bag. Your eyes widened at the small velvet box.

"Here." You accepted it and opened the box, the design was a golden ring with angel wings and small diamonds.

"Wow, this is really pretty." You said and looked at your friend with a smile plastered on your lips.

He smiled back, relieved that you accepted and liked his gift. You came into his mind when he saw that ring.

"May I?" He took the ring out and opened his palm, you placed yours above his as he slid the ring on your ring finger.

"How did you get my size right?" You asked while staring at the ring which suits your hand perfectly.

"We've been together for a very long time, Y/n. Of course, I know."

You shook your head, "Come on, we still have classes to attend." You two head to your classroom and upon arriving, you found your classmates minding their businesses.

"Oh, Y/n!" You raised a brow and turned to the guy sitting at the teacher's table; his right foot on the table with his elbow resting on top of his knee.

"President." You said, voice flat.

"I had a good vacation with you." He winked and you rolled your eyes.

"Me too, Kim." You answered sarcastically.

Yes. You had a vacation with the class President who abhors you to the core.

Kim Seokjin.



This is a work of fiction; unless otherwise indicated. All the characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.


This story contains grammatical errors, typos, and foul language/swearing; if you’re here to be rude about it, please leave. The personalities in this story DO NOT reflect them in any way in real life.

If you don't like how the story goes, feel free to press the back button and leave my story peacefully. Thank you!

© bluedasra

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