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The winged bus has finally landed, you and Hoseok remained on your seats and waited for your classmates to leave the bus before following them out.

"Welcome to the retreat camp!" A girl in front, standing on a platform, yelled in her small and high-pitched voice.

"Alright, students! Girls, please fall in line on the right side and boys on the left. We will bring you to your rooms!" One of the professors announced.

Hoseok patted your shoulder and you did the same before proceeding to the girl's lane and following a professor.

All of you thought that she will bring you to the rooms but went to a living room instead.

The professor grabbed the box that was on the center table, "Two students in one room, and the papers inside this box will determine your roommate." She said and shook it lightly then made everyone take one piece of paper.

You stared at the light blue piece of paper in your hand and looked around to see your roommate, a girl appeared beside you and smiled, "Y/n!"

You looked at her in surprise, "You know me?" She chuckled and nodded.

"Who wouldn't? You and Jin oppa are too famous around the Academy for hating each other so much." You nodded, disappointed that you're famous because of your nonsense arguments with Jin.

"Anyway! I'm Kim Jisoo!" You smiled and shook hands with her.

"Come on, girls. This is the way to your rooms."


Jin looked around, waiting for his roommate to come and find him. He's not in the mood for this shit.

Everyone is chaotic as they look for their roommates, "Looks like I'm lucky enough." Jin looked at his side and made a fist bump with his dear friend, Taehyung, who has the same color as him.

He brought his attention back to the chaos in front and smirked when he saw Hoseok, with the saddest expression, standing beside Yoongi. Jimin talked happily with Jungkook and Namjoon with some random students.

After the pairs were brought to their rooms, they just did their routines and went down to eat dinner and start the first activity.

"Alright! This is our first night and we will celebrate this with an activity that everyone would enjoy!" The professor announced in front after eating dinner.

"Every group will have five members and to do that, we have a box here. But, let's make it thrilling!"

Thin barriers made of glasses materialized in between the students causing them to not see each other.

The professor walked around and let them take one piece of paper from the box. "Don't show it to anyone!"

When everyone was done, they were told to hide their papers, find the table that has the same number on their paper and go there by using their powers.

Jin found the table where he belongs and teleported. When everyone was finally settled, the thin barriers disappeared and revealed their group mates.

Jin's expression was unexplainable, sad, and at the same time, happy, "Daaamn." Taehyung, who's sitting across him, muttered in disbelief and chuckled.

"I don't think this will work," Hoseok commented and shook his head.

"Why not? This is fun!" Jimin said excitedly while Jungkook, who's just beside him, shook his head in disagreement.

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now