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You couldn't believe what he just narrated to you and was rendered speechless. You remained to stare at his back, not knowing what to do. You instinctively straightened your back when Jin suddenly stood up.

He faced you and you felt a pang in your chest when you saw his eyes were bloodshot, you knew that it wasn't because of his powers.

He looked up to his two friends who were still floating in the air, watching you and your mate but they didn't hear anything of what you've talked about.

Jin gestured them to come down and they did, their feet landed on the ground and the pentagon platform made of black thin smoke under their feet faded.

"I'm sorry for worrying you guys, you can go home now and rest. I'm fine."

The two just stared at their older friend and what they both did surprised you and of course, Jin.

They hugged him.

Like a real brother.

You smiled and your mate looked at you with widened eyes, obviously doesn't know what to do. So, you gave him a nod and he slowly wrapped his arms around the two.


You turned around and saw your parents flying in the air, the full moon was shining brightly.

Their feet landed on the ground as their wings fold behind them, "Are you alright? The news has reached us." Your mother said while checking if you're hurt.

"No, no. I'm alright, but Hoseok isn't. He got hurt."

"Hey! You're hurt! Your elbow is bleeding." And that's when you felt the stinging pain, you winced and realized that you used your elbow to support your weight when Jin threw you and he knew that, guilt gnawing his system.

Your mother healed your elbow and looked at the three vampires behind, "Are you my daughter's friends?"

Taehyung and Jimin looked at each other, "W-we guess so– Woah!"

Your mother suddenly hugged them and pulled away before checking if they have bruises, "Apologies. My wife is really like this." Your father said, stepping forward.

"It's alright, Sir." Jin's friends said in unison and smiled a bit.

"Jin!" Your mother immediately went to your mate and hugged him, then patted his back. Your father smiled at him and Jin was confused, as his friends.

"Mother, Father. What are you doing here?" You asked, you wondered if they knew that Jin was the one who caused the chaos.

Your parents turned to you and you were confused when they glanced at your mate, "We want to talk to the two of you."

You and Jin frowned, "Why?"

"Come to our house tomorrow, Jin. For now, you should take a rest." Your father said.

Even though Jin's curiosity was eating him, he chose to nod and follow what the man have said.

"Be careful, boys." Your mother said before holding your arm, your parents spread their wings and you followed. The golden mist swirled around your back before your wings appeared.

You looked at the trio and they just smiled at you. Your wings flapped as you smiled back.

You followed your parents and flew away, you stopped mid-air to look back. Jin and his friends were opening a portal, Taehyung and Jimin stepped in, and your mate was the last one.

Before he enters, he looked back, meeting your eyes. His red eyes glowed and yours glowed gold, your hair being blown by the wind. He looked away and entered the portal while you turned around, and flew away.


You woke up and immediately did your routine when you remembered that Jin will come.

You wore a dress and let your hair down, you're about to leave the room when you forgot something. Opening the drawer of your vanity table, you grabbed the necklace and put it in your dress's pocket before leaving.

Upon arriving downstairs, you immediately headed to the dining room, and there, you saw Jin sitting across from your father.

Your mother entered the dining room with a tray in her hands, "Y/n!"

Your mother said causing your father and Jin to look at you, "Come here, sweetie."

You obeyed and Jin immediately pat the space beside him, "So, Jin," Your father clasped his hands together and placed them on the table while your mother was busy preparing something to eat, and she told you to remain on your seat so Jin wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

"Yes, sir?” Jin replied respectfully.

"We invited you here to tell you everything that you need to know." You felt him stiffen beside you and you just hold his hand that was on his lap which made him relax a bit.

"Y/n is right, they didn't throw you out, and cut your wings off just because you crushed a boy's knuckles."

"W-what is the reason then?" He asked and you felt him trembling so you draw circles with your thumb in hopes to calm him down.

"You're the son of the King with a vampire." You sighed and wants to scold your father for being too straightforward but you knew that he'll still say whatever he wants.

"I-i'm an illegitimate child?" Jin asked and you were surprised at how fast he caught up with the information.

"When your mother got pregnant, the King knew that the citizens doesn't accept a half-breed heir but only a pure angel. To protect you, he told your mother to hide you, and a friend of his helped."

"Where's my mother?"

Your father looked away and sighed, "I'm sorry."

You felt something wet touch your hand that was on Jin's, you looked at him and saw tears falling from his eyes.

You tightened your grip on his hand but you made sure that you won't hurt him, "T-then why did the King let me get punished?"

"I'm not sure if he knew that you're his son, you were hidden, and he didn't have the chance to see you. I'm not sure if she talked to the King about you."

Your mother came with a tray of food and drinks and she took a seat beside your father.

"P-please continue," Jin said and wiped his tears with his free hand.

"The angels found out about you so they hunt your mother down to know where she brought you. She said that she doesn't know so they threatened to kill you if she won't tell them. So, she lied and when they found out, they ended her life, she didn't fight back because she knew that that will keep you safe."

"Why? Where did she bring me?"

"To us." Your mother continued which surprised you and Jin. Your eyes widened when the yearbook that you saw in the stock room came into your mind. The man with your parents was the King.

She smiled sweetly, as usual, "We're the King's friends and he asked us a favor to help your mother because he loves her. He was just actually forced to marry the Queen, your vampire mother was his mate. So, we kept you and asked another friend of ours to take care of you. When you were found, they made a curse that if we go after you to the vampire kingdom, I won't be able to give birth to Y/n whom I have in my womb back then. We were surprised that they didn't immediately take an action, maybe because they were scared of the King. And when you made a mistake, they had a reason to punish you."

Silence fell and the three of you just waited for Jin to speak and process everything.

"I-is the same thing happening to me now?"

"What thing?" You asked, he looked at you with his eyes still teary.

"M-mated with an angel?" You felt pain strike you again and you're scared that he might push you away.

You hated the tone of his voice like he sees this as a curse because history repeats itself, but with a different breed.

You forced a smile and let go of his hand, "We're just mates, no need to be together, right?"

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now