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"Jungkook!" He smiled, not the smile that he showed you in front of your parents before. An arrogant one.

"Finally." He sat up and patted the space next to him but you just shook your head.

"How did you know that I fought with him?"

Jungkook gave you an 'are you serious?' look which made you frown, "You and Jin are famous all over the Academy."

Your eyes widened, "What? Why?"

"Because no matter where you two idiots are, when you bump into each other, you will fight over nonsense and petty things."

You frowned, this is not the Jungkook that you met at the Vampire Kingdom. He is totally different.

"Are you two-faced?" It just slipped out of your lips but you won't take that back.

He raised a brow and smirked. Standing up, he puts his hands inside his pocket and stopped right in front of you before leaning his face closer to yours.

"What do you think?"

If he’s being the Jungkook back in the Vampire Kingdom, you'll probably blush right now but nah, he’s the opposite.

You stepped back and Jungkook straightened his back, "I have to go." He saluted at you, just like what he did back then before he stepped inside the black portal that materialized behind him out of nowhere.

As if on cue, you heard your name being called. It was Hoseok. "Are you alright?"

You nodded, "I managed to escape before he could harm me."

He shook his head, "The Principal wants to talk to you."

Your eyes widened, "What? Why?" He gave you a look, "Are you seriously asking me that? You ruined the hallway!"

Your lips formed an O in realization, "I'll go now." You waved at him and made your way towards the Principal's office.


"What is it, Principal?" You asked when you arrived.

"Let's wait for President Kim." Your eyes widened and before you could protest, the door flew open revealing Jin who immediately glared at you.

"President Kim, please sit down."

Jin obeyed and sat down across you, "President Kim, you're a class president, you should be a model student and you should be the one disciplining students instead of them disciplining you. I think you two already knew what you did with the hallway, we won't make you pay because that would be too easy."

You looked at the Principal, your eyes were already protesting, "You two will be punished to clean the stock room and not just the simple stock room, but the one upstairs."

You gulped, the stock room that the Principal was talking about is the oldest one. There was a rumor that a ghost lives there.

"Are you scared, tadpole?"

You glared at Jin who has his arms crossed and smirked at you, "No."

"Good." The Principal said, "You may start now and you can't go home until you finish it today."

You stood up along with Jin with a heavy heart, you two headed to the stock room on the floor where you are and took some cleaning equipment before heading to the top floor.

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now