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Jin watched you get dragged away by his cousin. He wants to eat lunch with you but Jisoo just has to ruin that.

He sighed and was about to walk away when someone bumped into his back. Turning around, two girls came into his view; he recognized the other one as Suran.

His eyes landed on Suran's handcuffed wrist, the girl who bumped into him turned around and immediately apologized.

Before he could react, it was too late. He was handcuffed with Suran and he didn't know if the girl apologized because she bumped into him or because of this.

"What the fuck?" He muttered and raised a brow at the girl he got handcuffed with.

"I don't know anything about this." Suran defended herself when Jin gave her an accusing look.

The vampire rolled his eyes, "Yeah, right."

"Hey!" She exclaimed when Jin began to walk, dragging the angel because she couldn't keep up with his long legs.

They stopped right outside the basketball court, he faced the girl with an irritated look, "How are we going to get out of this cuff?"

"I don't know."

Jin frowned, "Really? Or you just really want to be cuffed with me?"

Suran gave him an unbelievable look, "Excuse me?! No way! You're not my type!"

"Oh really? I'm everyone's type, darling. You know that." Jin winked at her which made her still but immediately shook her head before the vampire could seduce her.


"Really? That's the only nonsense reply that you can come up with?– Oh! Wait! Everything that comes out of your mouth is pure nonsense."

They kept on bickering until they both finally shut up and observed their surroundings. Jail booth members were chasing the students around them.

"Why aren't they chasing us?" Jin asked because the members were acting like they don't see them at all.

"Because we're invisible." He looked at Suran with a frown. She just gave him a smirk, "Don't fall for me."

Jin scoffed, "I would never."

They remained quiet until the police siren, which was used as the sign that the jail booth is open to chase the students, finally stopped.

They're no longer invisible and that's when Jin realized that he has no choice, but to be with the Class President whom he fought in the meeting room a week ago.


She raised a brow at the vampire, "What?"

"You hungry?"

Suran blinked, processing if she heard him right before answering, "Yeah."

"Let's go eat."


You were frozen while staring at Jin and Suran's handcuffed wrists. They were talking until a girl came and it looks like Suran knew her, the girl released them, then Suran left with her.

Jin turned around and his gray eyes widened as you two make eye contact. You smiled and walked towards him, trying to calm down.

"Sorry, I was looking for you and accidentally saw you two. May I ask who she is?"

He stared at you, examining your face if there was something else behind your calm expression.

"Suran, a class president. When you left earlier, she just appeared behind me with the same girl earlier, then the girl handcuffed us. Suran told me that she didn't pay for that."

You nodded and bit your bottom lip, "I-i got handcuffed as well."

Jin frowned, "With who?" When you're about to answer, someone suddenly called you.

You and Jin looked in the direction where the voice came from, it was Jin and your friends, even Jisoo.

"We were looking for you, Y/n," Jungkook said which made you frown.

"What? Why?" You saw Taehyung, who's drunk because of the amount of wine he consumed (it's a wine celebration anyway), being held by Jimin, who's also tipsy.

"Almost every student saw you and Yoongi together! With your wrists handcuffed!" Jisoo said and you weren't sure if they haven't noticed Jin yet, because all of their eyes were on you.

Jimin's eyes widened when he saw Jin standing not so far from you, "J-jin Hyung!"

Their eyes widened at the sight of the vampire, "Oh my! Dear cousin!" Jisoo flashed a forced smile.

"You got handcuffed with Yoongi?" Jin asked, ignoring Jisoo.

"Uhh, yeah."

He scoffed and black mist swirled around his fingers, "Wait!" The black mist crawled out of his fingers and grew bigger until it engulfed him, then he disappeared.

Everyone went silent, even the surroundings because you didn't realize that almost all of the students had already gone home.

The silence broke when Taehyung and Jimin vomited together, Jungkook and Jisoo rushed over to help them.

Hoseok remained in his place, staring right at you. You diverted your gaze from the drunk men to your angel friend.

You were expecting him to say something related to your mate but he just smiled and put his hand on your shoulder.

"Let's go home?"

You couldn't smile back so you just nodded. He turned to your schoolmates, "Are you guys alright?" He asked Jisoo and Jungkook.

"Yeah, you two can go ahead."

Hoseok nodded, he held your hand and a ball of light floats above his palm. When he opened it, the brightness swallowed the two of you and disappeared.

Back to your home.


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