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"Where are you guys going?" You asked when you arrived in the living room and found your parents with their bags on the sofa.

"Sweetie, we're going on a vacation!" Your mother squealed like a teen and you couldn't help but get excited as well.

After months of suffering from that vampire, you knew you deserve a break.

He kept on bullying you countless times and of course, you will take revenge and that's why you and that vampire always end up attacking each other.

"Our things were being carried to our carriage." Your father said, putting an arm around your mother's shoulder.

"Where are we going to spend our vacation?" You asked while tailing behind them towards the said vehicle.

Your parents just smiled at you and went inside the carriage, you pouted and followed them. It didn't take long until the flying carriage landed at a familiar place which made you confused.

"What are we doing in this cave?" You asked, trying to remain calm and not scream in your parent's faces.

When they didn't answer, you asked again. "Mother, Father. What are we doing in this portal?"

This cave where you are right now is used as a portal to travel from the Angel Kingdom to the Vampire Kingdom and vice versa.

You are hoping that you were wrong, that you and your parents will go to a relaxing place.

"I think you already know the answer, sweetie." Your shoulder fell and fought the urge to explode right there, especially your mother is smiling sweetly at you.

You exhaled and helped your parents with the things and when you saw it, you raised a brow, "What is this? Are we going to stay there for years?" You asked while gaping at the stacked bags.

Your father chuckled with your reaction, "Those are our things and our presents for them." Then he took two heavy bags and left the light ones to you.

You grabbed it and followed your parents who were standing in front of the cave to wait for you.

You gave them a nod so the three of you stepped inside the cave, your father opening his hand as a ball of light floated above his palm.

You can't help but gape at how he managed to carry all those heavy bags and lit up the area at the same time.

You divert your gaze from your father when you saw the different colors of butterflies flying toward the three of you. You were surprised at the number of butterflies as they surrounded you and your parents.

When they disappeared, you were already outside the cave, and based on the tall trees surrounding you, you are now at a pond.

"Let's wait for the service."

You frowned, "Service?" As if on cue, you felt something coming your way which alerted you.

You automatically opened your hands out of instinct, a ball of golden light floating above your palm and matching your eyes, it was so bright that it made your parents cover their eyes for a few seconds.

When the brightness died down, you didn’t see any figure which made you frown. Your gaze slowly looked down and there, you saw a cute bunny looking up to you with its head tilted to the right.

"Calm down, sweetie. It's our service." You turned to your mother who's wearing a huge smile and not removing her gaze from the bunny.

You put your hand down as your golden light disappeared and at the same time, black mist wrapped around the bunny, a figure of a man towering over you came into view when the mist faded.

You slowly drag your gaze from his feet up to his body and to his flawless face. Your lips parted a bit at the sight of a handsome and angelic man, his red eyes getting your attention the most.

"Welcome back to our Kingdom, my name is Jungkook and I will be your service for today." He bowed, putting his hand on his chest and the other on his back.

"Thank you for lending us your time. My name is Theolore, this is my wife, Kirstien and of course, our dear daughter Y/n."

You almost rolled your eyes with how formal they are.

"Pleasure to meet you, Ma'am." The handsome man, Jungkook, took your mother's hand and kissed the back of her hand then he turns to you.

"Pleasure to meet you, Miss." He did the same to you and he glanced at your parents before swiftly winking at you with a smirk on his lips.

He straightened his back and his innocent smile returned. With just a flick of his fingers, a carriage appeared.

You gaped at the design of the carriage; the color black and red was blending perfectly, it looked so seductive and classy.

While the carriage in your Kingdom was colored gold and white, bringing a pure and elegant aura.

Jungkook opened the door as you, along with your parents, went in. There's only one window and it was on the door so you sat next to it. The carriage moved and you guessed that Jungkook is the driver.

"Sweetie, what do you think of that man?"

Your mother suddenly asked beside you and that's when you noticed that there was a small table in the center with a chessboard above, your father was starting to arrange the pieces.

"Jungkook?" Your mother nodded, her small smile not leaving her lips.

You propped your chin on your palm with your elbow resting on the window as you stared outside, trees were dancing with the help of the breeze.

You smiled to yourself, "Not bad."


Finally, the carriage stopped and the door opened. You stepped out with your parents following behind, you are now in front of a huge house with tall fences made of iron.

"I shall take my leave." Jungkook said and bowed.

"Thank you very much." Your father responded as you three watched the man climb to his seat, he jokingly saluted at you before taking his leave.

"I think he likes you."

"Mother!" The gate opened and you didn't notice that your father had already pressed the doorbell.

"Jin! Is that you?" Your mother talked to him, showering him with compliments that you knew he loves.

He looked at you which made him frown, you frowned back and now, you're really really annoyed.

This is the most stressful vacation in your life.

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now