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You arrived inside your classroom with Hoseok but before you could sit down, your angel friend stopped you.

"Why?" You asked and gave him a questionable look.

He shook his head at you, "You never learn, Y/n. Your dear enemy might have set another trap."

You glared at him, "Dear your ass." He just chuckled and began to scan the area around your seat.

"Clear." You immediately sat down and Hoseok did the same.

Your eyes roamed around until they stopped right on Jin's chair in front, you frowned when you didn't see him there.

The door opened, the professor stepping in and behind him is the class president who was currently ruffling his messy hair.

"Alright, let's start our discussion about sports." The professor said once he placed his things down on the table.

The discussion began and you were half-listening, half-messing with Hoseok who's busy taking down notes.

"Anyone who wants to volunteer to demonstrate how to play darts?"

The professor's eyes roamed around the room, every student that he lays his eyes on refused to make eye contact with him.

"President Kim?"

You scoffed which caused Hoseok to nudge at you, you just rolled your eyes and leaned against your seat comfortably and brought your attention in front.

Jin stood up confidently, he took a dart arrow, and before you could even realize it, everything was too late and the arrow already hit your hair.

"President Kim!"


The professor and Hoseok exclaimed, your angel friend immediately comes to your aid, untangling the strands of your hair wrapped around the arrow.

"I wasn't told what my target was." Your hated vampire sat back in his seat, not even bothering to apologize to you.

The professor shakes his head, "Next, another volunteer to demonstrate how to play tennis."

The professor wasn't asking for a volunteer because he had already decided whom he wants to demonstrate.


You smiled and made eye contact with the old man who gave you a nod.

You stood up and walk towards the front, your grip tightened around the racket's handle as you hit the tennis ball with it.

The ball hit the wall at the back and bounced towards Jin's direction, he failed to dodge because he was facing the front.

His ass met the floor when the small ball hit the back part of his head before it fell right beside him, he hissed and rubbed his head as he glared at you.

"Dismissed." The professor said and gathered his things before leaving the room.

Hoseok appeared beside you, in case Jin will do something inappropriate against you.

"Come on." Your friend told you, holding your bag in his left hand and the other clinging to the strap of his messenger bag.

You nodded and glanced at Jin before getting out of the room, "Hoseok!"

You two stopped when a guy with glasses appeared and talked to your friend then Hoseok turned to you, "I'm sorry, Y/n. We can't have lunch today together." He said, handing you your bag.

You smiled and took it, "It's alright, Hoseok. Take care." You waved at him as he smiled back and turned around with the guy.

You wore your bag and turned around as you began to walk towards nowhere, you're not in the mood to eat anymore, especially without your dearest friend.

You stopped in your tracks when you felt something coming your way from behind. You raised your hand, golden light surrounding it and you turned around.

Dart arrows were just inches away from your face and would have been buried into your head if you didn't catch them. As you flicked your fingers, the arrows followed and collided with the wall.

Jin came into your sight, standing across the hallway and glaring at you, his fists clenched. You should have known that he won't just let what happened earlier slide, he is Kim Seokjin.

A vampire.

Being strong, evil, and unbeatable is in their blood, they bring darkness.

And you're an angel.

In your blood, it's fine to lose your pride but never lose your purity.

You raised a brow at Jin, challenging the vampire who abhor you to the core, the vampire who never got tired of bullying you, the vampire you spent your vacation with.

He ran towards you at a fast pace while throwing dart arrows while you just keep flicking your fingers, every arrow just ends up colliding with the wall. You walked calmly towards Jin while doing this, preparing yourself for his attacks.

You created a forcefield made of golden light when you saw his figure coming closer. He collided with it as he bounced back but managed to stand up before he could land on the floor.

The students around were surprised as they ran away before they could get hurt. Getting rid of the forcefield, you began to throw tennis balls toward Jin who was dodging it.

"Is this all you can do?" You heard him ask, mocking you.

You smirked, "Is that all you can do?"

Jin frowned, his rage fuelled. You watched him as he began to take deep breaths and you knew exactly what he was about to do next.

And when he did his attack, you stopped throwing tennis balls at him and immediately formed a huge golden shield in front of you.

Jin's eyes widened, he didn't expect that. He thought you wouldn't know his next move, he gritted his teeth as the black mist around him began to fade.

The golden shield that you made came into his view, his perfect features reflecting on it but that didn't calm him down, his red eyes glistened dangerously.


He exclaimed and jumped over the shield, his eyes widened when you were no longer there. Jin jumped off and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

You sighed as you settled your feet down, you didn't know where your wings brought you but it's fine as long as you weren't in Jin's sight.

Your wings disappeared and leaned against the tall tree behind you then began to calm yourself down.

"You guys fought again?"

You jumped when an unfamiliar voice entered your ears, you peaked to the other side of the tree and a guy came into your view.

He was laying down on a swing that he just obviously made with his mist; eyes closed and arms crossed. You rolled your eyes, vampire.

"With your reaction, you indeed had a fight with him again."

Your eyes widened and felt goosebumps, his eyes weren't open but he knows what you're doing.

"W-who are you?"

He chuckled and finally opened his eyes, "Come on, you already forgot me?"

You stared at him a bit longer which caused the two of you to make eye contact. He coughed intentionally and looked away, your eyes widened when you finally recognized him.


Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now