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Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jisoo were leading the group and talking comfortably while Hoseok and Jimin were in front of you. You didn't know how you ended up standing beside Jin, who's quiet as well.

You've reached the said clinic with Taehyung's knowledge, who actually roamed around in the middle of the night to explore the place.

When you got in, your schoolmates went on their businesses, leaving you and Jin together.

You watched as Jisoo entered a room and came back with first aid kits in her hands, she gave one box to Jimin and Hoseok, then to Taehyung and Jungkook, and another one on a table before looking at you and Jin.

"Use this to treat each other." She smiled before joining Taehyung and Jungkook.

You and Jin looked at each other awkwardly before you walk towards the table where the first aid kit was as your foe followed you.

You sat on a chair and opened the kit before looking at Jin, who was still standing, "What are you waiting for? Come here." You said.

He nodded and immediately grabbed a chair before placing it in front of you and sat down.

You moved closer to him and began to apply the medicine to his wound with a cotton.

He flinched which made you frown, "You never feared my abilities yet you're flinching just because of this." You said and began to dab the cotton on his wound.

"Because you can't hurt me."

You raised a brow, "So you took it for granted."

"No, I was testing your patience."

"I fought back."

"But wasn't to the extent that you will actually kill me. I wasn't satisfied."

You rolled your eyes and moved away, "Done." He chuckled and took the kit from you.

After everyone was done treating each other, you guys went to the field where the campfire will be held while Jin and Taehyung went to their shared room to get the borrowed guitar.

"Wait, who's going to sing?" Jimin asked and that's when you realized that there's an instrument but no singer.

"Oh! Y/n is so good at singing." Hoseok pointed at you which made you pale.


You guys arrived at the field and saw Namjoon approaching, "Do you mind me helping?" He asked, looking at each one of you.

"Sure. You can help, Jungkook and Jisoo on distributing the s'mores." You said, pointing at the duo, who are preparing the s'mores. Namjoon nodded but he remained standing in front of you.

You were actually thinking of what to sing– Actually, you already have one in mind but you weren't sure if Jin knows how to play it.

"Yes?" You asked the top student who looks like he's debating internally whether he should say it or not.

"I-i asked someone to help too, I hope it is okay?"

"Everyone can help but who is it?" You asked, getting curious.

He gulped and looked behind him, so you followed his gaze. Your eyes widened to see him behind Namjoon, standing there the whole time. Hands inside his red hoodie's pocket, his hair swaying a bit because of the wind.

You blinked multiple times and chuckled when you still saw him standing there, he raised a brow at you.

You shook your head, "You're really going to help? Am I dreaming?"

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now