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You stared at the boat in front of you which Jin made with his black mist, "I'm sure we will fit here." He said arrogantly.

You rolled your eyes, "What if there's a creature living in that river?" Your wings flapped as your feet landed on the ground.

"There's always a creature in every place, Y/n." You scoffed at him as he used his ability to push the boat towards the river. "Those who want to stay here, stay then."

You looked at Hoseok who's obviously hesitating as well, "I'll stay." You said and your angel friend nodded, agreeing with you.

Jin just shrugged, "Come on." He gestured to those who wants to come, you were surprised that Jisoo is willing to go as well.

You made a cloud and sat on it before it floated not that high from the ground, you shivered a bit when the wind caressed your skin and your folded wings stiffened.

Hoseok suddenly appeared beside you, sitting on a cloud as well, his gaze fixated on the rowing boat.

"I have a bad feeling about this." He muttered as you brought your eyes to the boat that's now in the middle of the river.

"Y/n!" Jimin called you and waved at you, he even stood up. Jisoo waved at you, too.

You smiled and waved back, you saw Jungkook pull his brother back when the boat wobbled.

Then, you saw something swimming under the river, your eyes widened when it suddenly come out from the water and jumped in the air, right next to the boat.

It was a huge catfish, its back was shining in neon blue down to its tail. Everyone in the boat froze as they stared at the creature.

"I knew it," Hoseok mumbled and clenched his fists.

Then it suddenly crackled, energy surging from its head to tail like it's ready to attack.

You and Hoseok flew towards them as you opened your palms, balls made of golden lights floated above. You struck the creature's eyes, and it released a weird sound and landed in the river, creating a loud splash.

Hoseok immediately moved when the creature jumped in the air again, he made the whole river freeze.

Jin and Taehyung caught the creature with a net made of their powers, "Go back to the shore!" Jin shouted.

The trio nodded, they jumped off of the boat and began to run back towards the shore. You made a cloud around their feet and helped them leave the frozen river faster.

"Thank you!" They all shouted in unison when their feet touched the ground.

"Release it!" You yelled, Hoseok unfroze the river and the duo immediately released the creature.

You made a cloud again for Jin and Taehyung as you fly back to the shore with them, your angel friend was trailing behind you.

"I told you!" Hoseok yelled at Jin, pointing at him.

The vampire smirked, "But that's challenging and thrilling, isn't it?"

"Jin!" Everyone shouted in unison except Taehyung.

He raised his arms like he was surrendering, "We survived, guys. Let's just go back to the camp." Jimin made a portal as you guys went back to the camp.

You guys tried to sneak back but the moment you stepped inside the camp, the professors immediately appeared out of nowhere.

"What happened to the seven of you?!"

"Were you kidnapped?!"

"Are you hurt?"

"We're fine," Jin answered, a bit irritated with the attention he was getting.

The professors sighed in relief, "You escaped, didn't you?" They made way as the Principal came into your view.

All of you bowed, "We apologize, Principal." You almost rolled your eyes, you knew how insincere Jin was.

"Prepare yourselves, the seven of you will receive a punishment."


"I'm hungryyyy~" Jisoo, who's lying on her bed with her arms spread, groaned.

"I knew it, we shouldn't have gone with Jin." You said in annoyance and continued brushing your hair, you winced when your stomach protested in hunger.

You placed the brush down, "Ugh!" You turned around to face Jisoo, "Do you want to sneak out?"

She immediately sat up with her eyes wide, "No, no, no! Don't, if they catch us we will definitely have another punishment and I'm sure it will be worst than this!"

"Do you want to die in hunger then?"

"Of course not!"

"Then–" You stopped talking when a knock resounded and it wasn't coming from the door, but from the window.

Jisoo stood up to open it and you stood up as well, your eyes widened when two familiar figures entered the room.

"What are you doing here?!" You asked, walking towards them with your brows furrowed.

"Shhh." Jin immediately covered your mouth with his hand, you licked it and he retreated in disgust. "Tadpole!" He half-whispered and half-yelled.

"What are you doing here?" You asked Hoseok this time since your vampire foe went back to talking about nonsense things again.

"Trust us, hmm?" The angel ruffled your hair and Jin's eyes widened in disbelief, he couldn't believe that you immediately nodded like an obedient puppy.

A knock resounded in the room and this time, it was from the door, Hoseok went to open it and let the three men in before locking the door.

Your eyes widened along with Jisoo when you saw Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin with food in their hands.

"Did you steal that?!" Jisoo exclaimed causing everyone in the room to shush her.

"If they didn't starve us, we wouldn't steal," Taehyung said and sat on the floor as you guys followed, forming a circle.

"Finally!" Jimin excitedly said and dug into his food.

"Sit beside me!" Jungkook told you and patted the space between him and Jin, you want to decline the offer because your foe was there but he's giving you puppy eyes, so you ended up sitting down.

After minutes of eating, everyone was finished as you guys began to clean.

Suddenly, Jimin burped, followed by the rest except you and the angel. Everyone laughed, forgetting that you guys were supposed to be quiet.

The door suddenly flew open, revealing one of the professors with messy hair, his eyes glared at each one of you.


Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now