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Warning: Death, blood.

Jin's sword stopped mid-air, and his head immediately turned towards the person who yelled.

Both him and Hoseok's eyes were wide, they were staring at someone behind you. But before you could turn around to see, that person held your arm and helped you stand up.

Your eyes immediately widened when you saw King Hyukseo, you bowed to him as he stepped towards the two.

Jin's grip on his sword loosened a bit, and your eyes widened when it almost flew right into Hoseok's throat but suddenly, a dome flashed and protected the angel, then the sword was sent to the ground.

You squinted your eyes at the flicker of light coming from Hoseok's neck as he stood up to face the King.


Jin was still surprised by the revelation and he flinched when the King faced him after smiling at his other son.


"H-how is he my brother?"

King Hyukseo smiled and placed his hand on your mate's shoulder, "He's my son from my wife who is the Queen."

Your eyes widened, realization dawning into your mind. Why Hoseok moves like he's a Prince, why he sometimes speaks formally, it was all because he's a Prince.

Your eyes landed on the King's staff and eyed the thing resting on its top, before you could observe it further, the King spoke again.

"That necklace," He pointed at Jin's necklace, then to his staff, "And this gem on my staff was given by your mother to be my guide to know that you are my son because I never had the chance to meet you until now."

"Since when did you find out that I am your son?" Jin asked with teary eyes.

"Just earlier, son."

That sounded so beautiful in the half-breed's ears, his heart felt so calm, and he felt like balling his eyes out.

"Come here, the two of you." King Hyukseo said and chuckled, gesturing at Jin and Hoseok to come closer for a hug.

They pulled away and the King looked at you while smiling, "When is the wedding?"

Your eyes widened, "W-wedding?"

He pointed at the ring on your finger, "That's the ring I gave Hoseok, I told him to give it to his future wife."

Jin's face darkened and Hoseok's eyes widened as well, panicking because of his brother's aura.

"N-no, Father! I did that to save her, I knew she'll be in trouble. I saw how she fought for him when we were kids and I saw how their eyes glowed whenever they were around each other, I-i knew they are mates. And I just felt like something like this would happen."

King Hyukseo chuckled, "Alright, alright. Then she's Jin's girlfriend?"

You smiled but you didn't know what's really your relationship with Jin aside from being his mate. Your smile was immediately replaced with a frown when the sunlight suddenly hit your face, you used your palm to block it but suddenly, it reflected and shot towards the royalty's direction.

Your eyes widened when the light hit the gem on the King's staff which shot directly to Jin's necklace, then it hit the ground not that far from your side.

A smoke appeared and a silhouette of a woman came into view until the smoke disappeared, finally revealing who it was.

Your eyes widened at the sight of your Aunt, she looked so young and lively, her brown wavy hair ending at her waist.
Your looked into her eyes and you frowned when you felt like you'd seen those somewhere.

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now