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"Let's go to our seats, Y/n."

You snapped out of the flashbacks of your vacation and gave Hoseok a nod then you two went to your seats.

After you two took a seat, the Professor came in. Hoseok frowned when he felt something from above.

Looking up, his eyes widened when he saw a hole on the ceiling opening with a bucket of painting slowly pouring right to you.

He kicked your seat as you flew on the other side of the room and he flew back a bit as well.

The painting poured down on the floor, everyone stared in shock before turning toward the possible suspect as the professor yelled.




You placed a roll of tissue on the table before taking a seat across from Hoseok, watching him wipe his shoes with splashed paints on it because of Jin's prank earlier.

"We just returned from vacation and he's already starting to bully you again," Hoseok said while shaking his head.

"That's his nature." You said, shrugging.

"You spent your whole vacation with him and he just bullied you throughout. I can't believe he's still not done."

You chuckled, "I'm returning the favor anyway."

"Yeah, you two keep getting on each other's nerves."

You became alert when you felt something charging toward you in a fast motion and you aren't wrong when you turned around to see a can of coke flying towards you.

Your golden mist crashed the can in mid-air, just a few inches from your face before it fell on the ground with a thud.

You looked at the table where the can came from and saw Jin taking a sip on the same can with his feet on the table, his vampire friend sitting beside him, and another unfamiliar guy.

"Why are you here?" Jin asked the guy who has been insisting to become his friend for days already.

"I wanna be your friend!" The other said full of energy, his eyes turned into straight lines when he smiled.

"What's your name?" His friend, Taehyung asked, smiling politely at the other.

"I'm Jimin!"

"Jimin, I'm Taehyung—" He took five sticks of fries from Jin as the elder glared at him.

"I know! I've been stalking the two of you!" Jimin said while munching a donut in his mouth.

Jin and Taehyung glanced at each other, "Hey, Jimin." The latter gestured for Jimin to come closer to him.

Jin returned his attention to your table that you share with Hoseok, planning in his head what to do next with you.

"You can warn and make Jin realize his wrongdoings but don't try to stop him, he will stop on his own."

Jimin looked at you then to his eldest friend, who's currently having a staring contest with you, before giving Taehyung a nod.

You were exchanging intense gazes with Jin and before the both of you could even blink, forks were already inches away from your faces; black mist swirling around yours and golden lights on Jin's.

The students in the cafeteria were already looking at the two of you, nervous about what you were going to do next because they knew that you two have been enemies for so long. Plus, you two were both powerful compared to others.

Go on, Jin. Stab my face and I'll do the same to the favorite part of your body.

You said through your mind and you knew he can hear you, the both of you found this mind link and have no clue why and how.

The mind link only works on angels to angels, that's why you were surprised when you were able to talk to Jin telepathically if you'll open it.

Do it.

You smirked and controls the forks near his face, his breath hitched when they flew in his direction. It didn't hit his face but one of the forks went past his ear and left a small wound.

Jin glared at you and did the same thing but on your cheek, you didn't flinch and continued on smirking which made him irritated.

Everyone was watching the two of you quietly before your enemy stood up and left the cafeteria with his friends. Then, the students went back to normal.

"Are you alright?" Hoseok asked, glancing at the wound on your soft cheek.

You smiled and nodded, "It's nothing." You waved your hand to dismiss it.

"But... It's bleeding." His expression softened.

You pointed your index finger upwards and made a circular motion in the air, a gauze appeared out of nowhere and patched your wound.

"Why don't you just heal it?" Hoseok is right, you can heal yourself but you have a plan.

You just shrugged as you two stood up to attend your next class.


Classes has ended and the students were heading towards their platforms to exit the Academy.

Jin stepped out from the place once he got verified, he caught your exiting as well. His gaze landed on the gauze covering your wound that he caused earlier at the cafeteria.

He bit his bottom lip and felt uncomfortable, he shook his head to shake the feeling away.

"Hyung! Let's go!" Taehyung appeared and placed his hand on the elder's shoulder.

Jin nodded as the younger waved his hand in the air, they stepped inside when a black portal appeared in front of them as it leads them back to the Vampire Kingdom.

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now