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The four of you get on the winged lions and flew above the clouds, nervousness and excitement rush through you when the lions flew higher than earlier.

"Why are we going higher, Jin?" You asked, looking at him.

He looked back at you and smirked, "Why? You scared?"

You're about to protest when the lion you're on stops mid-air, the other lions doing the same.

"Jin!" You exclaimed when he suddenly stood up, you even held his wrist which made him smile a bit.

"Don't worry, I trust my abilities." He winked at you. You would've scowled if you were not in this kind of situation, so you slowly let go of his wrist and refused to remove your gaze off him, even for a second.

Taehyung and Jimin, who were still sitting on their lion's backs, were surprised again. They couldn't process the affection and sincere expressions that you and Jin are showing.

"We're on for sky diving!" Jin yelled and your eyes widened when he jumped off but you calmed down when you saw black mists wrapping around his hands.

"Let's go, Y/n!" Taehyung yelled and jumped off too, Jimin winked at you before following the other.

You shook your head and stood up, legs trembling a bit, you took a deep breath and realized how high it was because all you can see are clouds.

You jumped off as well, golden spheres covering both of your hands. You were surprised when the three were still in the air and waved at you, they were all standing unlike you who was lying down with your face first.

You fixed your posture which made them all chuckle, you looked down and felt your heart's pace quicken when you saw an ocean below, ready to welcome, and catch your fall.

Without wasting any second, your huge angel wings spread in the air and prevent you from falling.

You saw the trio go past you as they continued to approach the ocean. You just watched them, not worrying at all since “you should trust their abilities.”

Black mists swirled around their fingers and then black pentagon platforms appeared under their shoes, inches away from the ocean's surface.

Black smoke appeared under their platforms and flew upwards, stopping next to you except for Jimin who flew a bit higher, making you chuckle.

"Where are we going next?" You asked.

Jin looked around, realizing that you guys were in the middle of the ocean with no shore in sight.

"We have to find the dock first." He said and flew away.

"Are you talking about a specific dock?" Taehyung yelled as the three of you followed.

You guys caught up with Jin, who blurted out an: "Ah!" His feet landed on the dock made of wood, the pentagon platform dematerializing.

You followed your mate, wings fading as well, Taehyung and Jimin did the same.

"How did you know that this is the specific dock you were looking for?" Taehyung asked, looking around the unfamiliar place.

Jin didn't reply and looked like he was looking for something, you turned around and looked at the ocean. You're about to sit on the edge of the bridge but something hit your feet, you let out a squeal out of surprise as you fell forward.

You thought you were going to fall in the water but groaned instead because something hard hit your body.

"What the fuck?" You muttered when there's nothing underneath you, all you could see was the water but there's something hard beneath you.

The trio immediately hurried towards you, your mate's friends were about to help you when Jin suddenly shouted in realization, making them freeze.

"I hid it! What an idiot!" You guys watched Jin scold himself as he opened his palm and black mist left his fingers. Your eyes widened when it ran under you before disappearing in the air, revealing a small yacht that caught you.

Your mate get on the yacht and finally helped you stand up, "Thanks." You didn't care if that came out sarcastically.

Taehyung and Jimin joined you two on the yacht as well, you observe the ship and find it cool because of how expensive and neat it is.

"You own this?" You heard Jimin ask, excited.

Your eyes landed on Jin, "You know how to operate this?" You asked with your eyes wide which your mate finds cute but of course, he won't admit that.

He smirked and nodded, the yacht began to move and drifted away from the dock. Not long enough, the yacht stopped in the middle of the ocean. Jin went down to the deck with a proud smile on his lips.

"We will have our dinner here and we can party, too." He explained, hands inside his pockets.

"Party?" Taehyung and Jimin's eyes sparkled, "Where can we get some drinks?" Jin chuckled and pointed at a door. In just a blink, the two disappeared, leaving you and Jin alone in the deck.

You two looked at each other, the sunlight reflecting on Jin's clear and soft skin, his hair swaying because of the wind.

You looked at him with widened eyes when he took your hand and intertwined it, he guides you towards the railings and leaned against them.

"I never thought I'll watch the sunset with the person who hated me so much." You said and chuckled.

Jin smiled, "You're talking as if you didn't hate me." He played with your intertwined hands resting on the railings.

"I never hated you, just got annoyed and irritated most of the time." You shook your head, "The truth is, I made you believe that I hate you too."


"Because you're an asshole."

Jin frowned, "What? I don't get it."

You chuckled because of how stupid you are. The clue was already there, you're doing everything back then just to rebuild your friendship with him.

"I tried to be one too because I thought that if I'll be an asshole just like you, we would be friends again. Stupid, right?"

He chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, stupid."

When the sun has set, Jin faced you and smiled, "Now, let's cook our dinner. Shall we?"

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now