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You stood up and rushed towards your room, tears threatening to fall from your eyes.

You closed the door behind you and that's when your tears fell. Flashbacks of you and Jin bickering came into your mind when you two found out that you were mates.

You smiled bitterly, knees falling on the floor, "Right. He never told me that he accepted me as his mate."

He just did it, changing his attitude, and being romantic but he has never been vocal about the mates thing, and what he really feels.

Tears fell from your eyes even more until you heard a flapping of wings, you looked at the window, and there is Hoseok, knocking.

You opened your palm, a ball of golden light floats above, and your eyes flashed the same color as your power.

The window opened, your angel friend flying in, and landing in front of you. His wings folded behind him, then he crouched in front of you, cupping your face in his hands.

He's wearing a hurt expression, his usual heart-shaped lips turned upside down. He wiped your cheeks stained with tears.

He gently pulled you closer to him, your head resting on his chest as you cried while Hoseok caresses your hair.

"Communication is i-indeed the key to a r-relationship." You muttered, clinging to your friend.

You chuckled, "Oh wait! I d-don't even know if we're in a–" you swallowed the lump in your throat and cried even more.

"H-he turned sweet, Seok. B-but, he never confirmed our relationship, he never told me what he really feels. I-i'm not even sure if he did those sincerely or he just felt like it's his r-responsibility."

You cried and stayed like that until you finally calmed down. Pulling away from your friend, you wiped your tears and felt light-headed.

"I-i'm sorry for getting your jacket wet."

Hoseok chuckled and ruffled your hair, "Drench it all you want, I don't mind. And don't be sorry, you are emotional, that's normal."

You nodded, "Thanks."

"Y/n, maybe he reacted that way because he couldn't believe it. Let him explain. You guys were enemies, and suddenly you two are mates."

You nodded and smiled at your friend, "Come here." He wrapped his arms gently around you, trying not to suffocate you.

"Don't cry now."

The door suddenly opened as you two jolted in place. Your mate was at the door, his eyes filled with worry but changed into confused ones when his eyes landed on your friend, whose hands were still around you.

Realizing this, both of you pulled away, "Jin–"

"What are you doing here?" He asked with a monotone voice, ignoring you.

You gulped with how dark the vampire's aura was. His eyes glow red like once your friend gives him an answer he wouldn't like, he will rip his head off.

"Doing what you should've been doing."

Your eyes widened and looked at your friend in disbelief, fear visible in your eyes. You didn't want to anger your mate even more but looks like your friend isn't on the same page as you.

Jin noticed the fear and worry in your eyes, causing something to sting inside his chest. He was hurt, he never knew that you feared him that much, he wasn't even doing anything.

"I was about to. But you just had to enter the scene and act like a hero."

"I'm her friend, I'm not acting like a hero. I'm acting as her friend and comforting her, which is what you should've been doing instead of hurting her."

Jin clenched his fist, he knew that the angel was right. His eyes didn't stop glowing dangerously red, fangs sticking out from his plump lips.

"H-hoseok..." You muttered, tugging his arm to stop him from talking, but he ignored you.

He wants to tell Jin that he shouldn't just act, he should talk about his feelings as well. Actions without words are mixed signals.

"Relationships require communication, vampire. Just because you're mates doesn't mean that you'll be able to understand each other with no words or actions. You have differences, too. So, stop keeping your feelings to yourself,"

Hoseok smirked, "Stop failing as her mate."

"What are you going to do if I continue failing then?" Jin asked, raising a brow.

"I might replace you."

If Jin was slowly calming earlier because of your angel friend's words that made him realize things, now he got triggered.

"JIN!" You yelled when he got Hoseok pinned against the wall, his arm on your friend's neck.

Hoseok tried to free himself from the vampire's grip, but being a vampire gives them extra strength, and he's a half-breed so his strength is unusual.

Your parents entered the room, their eyes widening at the sight of Jin's claws raising in the air, ready to lunge at the angel.


Your lips parted with how scary and powerful your father sounded. He was always calm and composed, and seeing him now with his eyes glistening in a darker shade, unlike his usual eye color, gave you goosebumps.

You were more surprised when your mate was sent flying on the other side of the room, Hoseok falling on the floor with a thud along with Jin's landing.

You just stood in the middle, not knowing who to help or approach.

Your father went to help Hoseok who lost his consciousness, while your mother, who sensed your worries for both men, attended to Jin, who has his eyes closed.

When your mother touched your mate's skin, his eyes suddenly went open like he felt a spark. Standing up abruptly, frustration was visible on his face.

You watched him run towards the door but suddenly stopped and grabbed your wrist before dragging you out.

You heard your father yell to bring you back before Jin suddenly wrapped an arm around your waist, and with no hesitation, jumped off of the second floor of your house.

You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck, and he didn't let go of you. He just ran out of the house with you in his veiny arms.

"W-where are we going?" You muttered, closing your eyes because of too much wind touching your skin. Your mate was running too fast that it feels like your eyeballs would leave their sockets if you won't shut them.

Jin didn't answer until you arrived at the forest where he ran— more like he was sent flying to after he attempted to kill the Angel King.

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now