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Darkness Greets Purity


In war or a fight, we always lose something, a chance or a choice, and the huge possibility among all of these is losing someone. We can't control everything and stop something from happening if it's really destined to happen.

Jin stood in front of a grave, his eyes watered as he stared at the name engraved on the tombstone.

He placed the flower on it and crouched down, "I miss you." He whispered and smiled.

He heard footsteps coming towards his way and then stopped behind him, "Finally coming, huh. After what happened." Jin said sarcastically.

"Can you stop hating my presence just for once?" The angel said, annoyed.

Jin rolled his eyes, "I don't hate you."

"Like hell, I would believe that shit."  The angel crouched down beside him, the silence surrounding them as they both stared at the tombstone.

"I'm sorry, for what my Father did."

Jin nodded, "It happened, Yoongi."

Yoongi parted his lips exaggeratedly, "For the first time! You've called me by my name and not with some shitty nicknames!" He placed his hand on his left chest and acted dramatically.

The Prince rolled his eyes and was about to hit the General but stopped because of his sibling popping out of nowhere.

"Stop it, hyung." Hoseok put his arm around Yoongi's shoulder who felt conscious of their height difference.

Jin's eyes scanned his brother's features, his black hair was parted on the left side and was styled in a comma. The crown made of gold resting on the top of his head which made him stunning.

"You look good, King Hoseok." That made Hoseok roll his eyes, he doesn't want to be called or treated like a King when he's with his friends or someone he's close with.

"I always look good," He turned to the tombstone and smiled, "Greetings, Father." He said like the former King Hyukseo was still there.

It has been 10 years since the war between the Angel and Vampire Kingdom happened, no one won but there were lives taken, like the late King Hyukseo which made every Angel citizen dismal.

Jin couldn't move as he watched you cry over your parent's cold bodies, he couldn't feel anything. He doesn't know how he should react.

"King Hyukseo!"

He didn't know who yelled his Father's name but when he turned around, his heart fell when he saw the King, blood seeping out of his mouth as he fell to the ground. Seojin immediately attended to him, only those who knew her can see her soul.

Jin's eyes were wide as he looked for the culprit and there, he saw who threw the dagger at his Father with a sick smirk playing on his lips.

When he was about to attack the Official, the man suddenly fell to the ground and immediately lost consciousness, his pulse not beating anymore.

Behind the Official, who was the culprit was his son, Yoongi, who fell to his knees, and his grip on his sword loosened.

He wasn't crying or having any expression on his face, he was just staring at his Father's cold and dead body while his Mother cried next to him.

Yoongi killed his own Father for stealing the citizen's money, for killing Jin's mother, and for killing the King.

After that, the Officials began to decide on who'll take the late King's position but Jin immediately told that Hoseok should do it, the Angel agreed anyway.

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