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Classes resumed and you are now sitting on your seat in the classroom, waiting for the next professor along with your chaotic classmates.

Someone knocked on the door, interrupting your classmates who were sitting near the door.

They pointed at each other on who will open it until one of them finally got up and opened the door, revealing a tall and beautiful girl with long brown wavy hair.

"Hello, may I excuse Class President Kim?"

Her voice wasn't that loud but everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and looked at the girl.

Jin stood up with his hands in his pockets and gave the girl a nod before walking past her.

"Thank you." The girl said and followed him, your classmates went back to their businesses except for you. You kept on following the two with your eyes as they disappeared in the hallway.

"Who is she?" You mumbled.

Hoseok looked at you and smirked, "She's a Class President too, Suran." You nodded calmly, your angel friend staring at you to observe your expression.

You got irritated and raised a brow at him, "What?"

He chuckled, lips forming a heart shape, and shook his head. He put his hands behind his head and leaned against his seat, you rolled your eyes because of how obvious that he was mocking you.


Jin walked silently along the hallway and he made sure to leave a gap in between him and Suran.

He was informed earlier that Class Presidents will have a meeting and he didn't expect that a girl would pick him up.

They stopped in front of a door which is the meeting room, he opened the door and let her in before he followed, closing the door behind him.

Jin saw the Class Presidents sitting on their swivel chairs, surrounding the long table. He took a seat next to Suran since it was the only vacant one.

Kim Namjoon, the top student and the Principal's right hand, stood up with a folder in hand. "Now that everyone's here, let's start this meeting."

"I think everyone knew that the Wine Celebration is coming and it's next week." He opened the folder, "So, the Principal wants you, the Class Presidents, to decide on what booth you'll have for the one-week celebration."

Wine Celebration was held every year for a week, this is for thanking the Gods for every blessing.

"We will give you an hour to have a meeting with your classmates to decide, professors are busy for the preparation of the celebration as well. So, you may now have a meeting with your classmates and return here after an hour."

Jin wanted to complain because he was called for the meeting, only to be ordered to go back to the classroom to have a meeting with his classmates. But, he has no choice and just stood up, heading back to his classroom.

It only took him half an hour and the meeting was done, he headed back to the meeting room proudly because of how early he was.

His proud demeanor vanished because everyone was already in the meeting room, except him. He sighed and sat on his chair.

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now