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"Son, why don't you accompany Y/n to the guest room?" You looked at Jin who was already giving you a disgusted look but he still smiled.

"Sure. Shall we?" He even offered his hand like a gentleman. Since you can't spit at him in front of your parents and his, you accepted his hand and flashed a fake smile.

You two went out of the living room and entered a hallway at the end of the room. When the two of you disappeared from their sights, you disgustingly took your hand from him.

Jin scoffed as he wiped his hand, "I should be the one reacting like that."

You rolled your eyes, "I don't even know what you've held using that hand."

"And I don't know either who held your hand before me!"

You fell silent when you remembered holding Jungkook's, "See! You're blushing!"

You snapped out from your trance and glared at Jin, "Just tell me where the room is!"

He wordlessly walked away as you followed him then he finally stopped in front of a door. You didn't thank him and just entered, you felt your blood gathering up to your head at the sight.


You heard his familiar evil laugh from a distance, you took a deep breath and went out of the toilet.

And all you saw was an empty hallway with Jin nowhere to be seen. You groaned in annoyance and looked for the guest room by yourself.


The next morning came and Jin was told to get you in the guest room, where you stayed, for breakfast. He was smirking to himself because he knew how pissed you were yesterday.

He fluttered his hand in the air while the other was inside his pocket, black mist encircled his hand as he pointed towards the door.

It slammed open which made him wince, "Oops." He muttered before walking inside your temporary room.

There, he saw you lying on the bed with the comforter covering you like a cocoon. He fluttered his hand again and a trail of black mist made its way towards you and entered your right ear.

Your dream was interrupted with a sudden appearance of Jin's face, eyes bloodshot, fangs sticking out from his lips.


You jolted awake with your heavy breathing as your chest went up and down at a fast pace.

Jin noticed this as his eyes traveled to your chest and licked his lower lip. When you finally calmed down, that's when you realized that someone was standing across from your room ever since you woke up.

"What are you doing here?!" You didn't mean to yell but you couldn't help it.

"Don't flatter yourself, my parents told me to get you for breakfast."

You frowned when you remembered your nightmare, "YOU DID THAT?!"

Jin shrugged and left the room, you got up and stomped your feet in annoyance towards the bathroom in your room.

After that, you changed into proper clothes before going down and with the help of the mouth-watering scent of food, you found your way to the dining room.

"Good morning, sweetie." Your mother greeted you and you greeted them back.

Your parents were there and across them was the Kim family, you sat down on the chair beside your father who was in between you and your mother.

"My son cooked these." Mrs. Kim proudly said as Jin came in with two plates in his hands and placed them down on the table.

"Let's eat." He said with a smile on his lips while taking off his apron.

You scowled when Jin sat on the chair across from you as you quietly put some food on your plate after the elders were done. You began to eat and your eyes widened when you felt like your mouth was set on fire as your eyes began to water.

You calmly poured water into your glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Your eyes landed on the man's figure across you, he was eating calmly but the smirk plastered on his lips didn't escape your eyes.

Moving your fingers to let out some magic, you did the same to his food but you didn't make it spicy, just sour. You watched his face shift and you almost burst out laughing.

He coughed which caught everyone's attention, he drank a glass of water while glaring at you.

"Are you alright, son?" Mr. Kim asked and Jin just nodded, you smirked and stood up.

"I'm done. Can I go?"

"Of course and feel free to explore our house." Mrs. Kim answered, you thanked them and left the room.

Just like what she said, you explored their house until you are already outside. You saw a garden on the side with a nipa hut standing next to a big tree.

You walked towards the tree and sat on the swing hanging on it. You began to swing and the next thing you knew, you were already on the ground after someone pushed you.

You sat up while groaning and there, you saw your most hated vampire standing behind the swing you were on earlier.

"Damn you!" You spat while rubbing your butt.

He put his hands inside his pocket, "Damn you, too."

You mindlessly opened your palm as your golden light floated above causing Jin to squint his eyes.

You threw it on him which made him stumble back, his eyes that were filled with shock were replaced with determination, anger, and irritation.

He balled his fists as black mist swallowed him then he disappeared. You stood up and spread your huge white angel wings, Jin appeared in front of you and his fist met your jaw.

You hissed and your feet slid back, you put your right foot behind to stop yourself from going backward, leaving a trail on the ground.

You opened both of your palms and golden lights covered your hands and halfway to your arms. Jin did the same, black mist dancing around his hands and fingers.

You two stared at each other intensely, your eyes matching your golden lights as your wings flapped while Jin's eyes were red and his fangs sticking out.

Your feet leave the ground but your gaze didn't avert from Jin's, through this, you expressed how much you hate him and you also felt his hatred towards you.

Before any of you could make a move, a yell resounded, followed by four figures coming out from the Kim's house.

"What's going on here?!" You groaned. The fight was just about to start and it ended before it could.

Your wings flapped and it put you down as your feet touched the ground, wings disappearing after gold mist swirled around it.

The black mist dancing around Jin's hands disappeared, and his eyes went back to their hazel-brown color.

"We're just playing." The vampire answered like your parents didn't see the fight that was about to happen earlier.

He and your parents released a sigh of relief in unison. "Don't take your play seriously." Mr. Kim said as they went back inside the house.

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now