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"What's her name?"

You frowned and tried to remember the Aunt's name but couldn't, the only thing you could remember was her opening her lips but no voice was coming out.

"I don't know." You replied and Jin nodded, he opened his lips to say something but loud footsteps rushing towards your direction cut him off.

"What's that?" You asked and your mate immediately protectively stepped in front of you instinctively.

Guards armed with swords and riding on horses came and encircled the two of you, blocking the possible exits.

"Kim Seokjin of Vampire Kingdom! You're under arrest for attempting to kill the Angel King and for entering the Kingdom despite the ban." The General said, reading a paper out loud.

Your eyes widened, "Ban?" You muttered and looked at Jin who had no emotions on his face. He never mentioned that he was banned from the Kingdom and no one would suspect it because he keeps on coming back like there's no guillotine after his head once he disobeys.

"Hey!" Jin exclaimed when a guard holding a chain told you to lift your wrists.

"Stop." You were surprised and confused when the general stopped the guard while your mate was chained already which will prevent him from using his magic.

Two guards held his arm and their angel wings appeared, dragging Jin with them as they flew in the air.

"Bring him to the Kingdom!" The general commanded and the two angel soldiers saluted before flying away.

"Jin!" You yelled, he tried to look back but one of the soldiers holding him held his head to prevent him from doing so.

"Don't chain her, just cuff her." You frowned with the general's command, and how he eyed your ring didn't escape your eyes.

You were so confused until you arrived at the Kingdom with two guards on each side, one behind you and the general in front.

The double door made of gold opened when the general waved his hand in the air. You were expecting the soldiers to be harsh on you but they were holding you gently.

The four of you walked along the hallway, your shoes clicking against the floor made of white marble, tall white pillars with a touch of gold standing around as you pass by.

Not long enough, you stopped in front of a room with no door, two guards stationed outside and standing on each side.

You entered the room with the guards as you look around, "Why am I here? Shouldn't I supposed to be in jail?"

The general didn't answer and gestured for the soldier to unlock your cuffs, you were just frowning as you watch them.

You're about to ask again but they immediately went out of the room and the guards on the door crossed their spears together, forming an X to block the way.

You were frozen in your place, processing what had happened when you suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Let me in." He told the guards, eyes shining brightly causing them to let him in.

"Hoseok!" You exclaimed and his eyes went back to normal and smiled at you, lips forming into a heart shape.

"Why are you here? How did you sneak in?"

He smirked, "Because I'm amazing, talented, and handsome that the guards couldn't resist my charm."

You smack his arm before sighing, "Jin, they took him and I don't know where he is. What are we gonna do, Seok?"

His smile faded and took a deep breath, "We will get him out, Y/n."

You frowned and looked at him, "What? What do you mean?" He smiled.


You were still at the Palace— in the same room while Hoseok left to have small chitchat with the guards to get some information about Jin.

It was past midnight and you'll do your plan once your friend comes back, you kept on repeating the plan in your head and hoping for it to be successful.

"We will take him out later at past midnight, I'll give them something that will avert their attention from Jin, then you'll teleport directly into his cell. I'll give you a signal through your mind so keep the link open, alright?"

"What about the guards outside this room?"

"I'll make an illusion that you're still in the room as soon as you teleport."

"Isn't that too much use of your power?"

"Don't worry, I can manage. I'm Jung Hoseok and I'll ask someone to help you. You'll meet them at the cell."

"What? Who?"

"You'll know later, just trust me."

You snapped out of your thoughts when your friend's familiar voice echoed in your mind.


You glanced at the guards and immediately teleported, golden smoke rising from your feet up to your head, your eyes glowing gold, then you disappeared. A replica of you replacing you in the cell.

The smoke disappeared as you teleported inside a cell, your eyes widened when two figures appeared as well with their own smokes fading.

"Yoongi? Namjoon?" You muttered, careful to not raise your voice.

They smiled and saluted at you, "Let's get this done, my father would lash me out when he finds out." Yoongi said and immediately turned to Jin who didn't even feel your presence.

He was sleeping and curled up like a ball, he still has those anti-magic chains on, and his feet are chained now as well.

You swallowed the lump forming in your throat because of the sight, "Jin," You whispered and was about to touch his shoulder to wake him up when it just went past him.

"W-what?" You asked, eyes widening in disbelief.

"What the fuck was that?" Yoongi cursed, Namjoon walked towards your mate and tried to touch him too but just like earlier, it went past through him.

"This is not Jin."

Your eyes held confusion as you look at him which he met firmly, he didn't even blink, "He's just an illusion."

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now