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"Y/n, let's go down together for dinner."

You gave Jisoo a nod as you two began to clean your things and put it in your luggages. Tomorrow is the day to go home.

After that, you and Jisoo went down as planned to eat dinner. You two arrived on the dining area and went on the line to get your dinner.

After that, you began to look for a table. Despite of the noise, you still heard Hoseok and Jimin's loud voice calling for the two of you.

You walked towards them along with Jisoo and saw the rest, it was a surprise that they seemed getting along.

You sat down beside Hoseok while Jisoo sat across you, your eyes landed at Jin who's sitting on the other end with Taehyung beside him.

He looked at you and immediately looked away, you sighed when he went back to his usual self.

You began go eat with people around you talking loudly and joking, "Y/n's voice is so beautiful!" Jimin commented and your eyes perked, realizing that you are their topic.

"You should sing more!" Jisoo joined in, smiling at you.

You and Jin's eyes met but immediately looked away like something sparked in between.

"Jimin! You like this, right?" Hoseok cut in, pushing his plate towards Jimin's direction.

They immediately diverted their attentions except Jungkook, he frowned at the scene before his eyes landed on Jin, who's on a trance.

"You and Jin would be a good duo!" Your other friend, Hoseok said and smiled, his lips forming a heart shape.

You smiled, cheeks flushing, "Really?"

"He's right, why don't we make a duo? Hoseok will be our manager." Jin suddenly appeared beside you.

"I don't think my voice is that good."

"It is good! Super good!"

You went out from the toilet here in the dining area after washing your hands and stopped when you saw Jungkook leaning against the wall.

"Hey." He said when he saw you as he stood properly.


"I don't want to go to my room yet, do you mind accompanying me?"

You stared at him before nodding slowly, he smiled as you two left the area together.

He lead you to the back of the school and you can't help but be amaze at the sky full of stars and the full moon.

"Pretty, right?"

You looked at Jungkook and nodded eagerly which made him chuckle.

"Your voice will perfectly match this view."

Your smile faltered, "I don't sing, only in some occasions."

"If you don't mind telling me... Why?"

"Y/n, not because he asked you to stay away doesn't mean you have to stop singing."

You sighed and remove your gaze from your hands to Hoseok, who's squatting in front of you.

"But I won't do good without him, he's my partner."

"In oder to have a strong relationship, you have to trust your patner but trusting yourself and having confidence will make you stronger and unbeatable."

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now