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His face was expressionless, his cold eyes were piercing right into you and he has his shirt on now.

"What did you see?"

You gulped and looked down, even if you lied that you didn't see anything, he will still shout at you.

Looks like Jin got your answer as he held your wrist and pulled you inside his room, locking the door.

And this was all contrary to what you've been expecting, it's scaring you. He was never this calm unless he was going to drop a bomb that will surely shock your whole being.


You look up to him, he's pointing to his bed while grabbing a chair. You obeyed and sat down, he placed the chair across you and sat down. Silence surrounded the two of you.

"Why are you here?"

You gulped, "Jisoo asked me to get her clothes from her cousin."

"Ah, you finally knew." He stood up and took something out from his luggage then toss it towards you which you perfectly caught. It was Jisoo's clothes inside a paper bag.

You faked a smile and Jin noticed this, he used to be your closest friend anyway. You stood up while hugging the paper bag close to your chest and made your way towards the door.

"Y/n," You stopped and turned around to see Jin just standing there, you can't read his expression, as usual.


"Did you see my back?" Your eyes widened and slowly nodded, you prepared yourself for a yell coming from him but nothing came.

He just sighed and sat down on the chair, "Come back here."

You nodded like a puppy and sat back on the bed, "I-i'm sorry." You apologized, biting your bottom lip, and gaze fixated on your lap.

"No, I should be the one saying that," You look up to him in surprise, "I'm sorry. For everything."

He leaned against his seat and took a deep breath, "When they threw me out of the Kingdom..."

You stared at him, his gaze was on the floor and his hands were inside his pockets.

"They cut my wings off so that I won't be able to go back to the Kingdom and spread darkness." He said, quoting the last two words with his fingers.

You frowned, he just defended himself and he was young back then. The officials at the Kingdom don't punish the young angels, so why did they do that to Jin?

"That's why I was so mad at you and I'm sorry for that." He kept on looking everywhere but you.

You smiled and nodded, "It's alright. I always remind myself to let you release your anger because that's better than bottling up everything inside."

His eyes widened and he finally looked at you, eyes screaming that he wasn't expecting what you said.

"But, I don't think the only reason why they punished you was because you crushed that boy's knuckles."

"I'm a half-breed."

"No, I don't think so."

You two made eye contact and before you could even process what was happening, Jin's face was already near yours, his gaze fixated on your lips.

"J-jin..." You whispered causing him to look into your eyes.

You've never seen him this gentle and sincere before and this made you melt.

He pressed his lips against yours and you responded, an unknown feeling forming inside you.

Jin felt this too so he pulled away, you opened your eyes and met his. Both of you moved away from each other as you got electrocuted.

"Y-your eyes..." You mumbled, disbelief was written on your face.

"Why are your eyes glowing so much?!"

You two fell silent, your eyes glowing more gold than usual. Just like Jin's, except his were red.

You two hated each other so much– Jin hated you so much, so how did you two end up kissing each other despite the hatred?

When you two finally processed what happened, your eyes met again.

"No. This is impossible." Jin mumbled and stood up as he began to walk back and forth.

And you didn't know why you felt a stinging pain inside you when he said those words.

Like... he doesn't want you to be his mate.


"Are you alright, Y/n?" Jisoo asked while you two were exiting the room, you were so quiet.

You smiled and nodded as you turned around to head out of the building, she stared at you in worry and followed.

While waiting for the winged service bus, Hoseok arrived with Jin, while Jisoo bid you goodbye and went to Taehyung and Jungkook who are in the same class as her.

You and Jin were silent and Hoseok noticed this which he finds weird. You two used to be noisy and argue over petty things, so this was new to him.

He debated who he will ask first but in the end, he leaned into your ear and whispered: "Are you alright?"

You sighed and with that, he knew you need to talk to someone which is him and all he has to do is to listen and comfort you.

When the winged bus arrive, everyone entered their assigned buses. Hoseok made sure to stick beside you as you two picked a seat and settled down.

He remained silent, waiting for you to talk whenever you were ready and after several minutes, you finally spoke up.

"I went to Jin's room yesterday." Hoseok nodded, he already knew that but he's sure that something happened for you to act like this. He knew you too well.

You stared at your hands that were on your lap as you speak, "We talked, apologized, and forgave each other. Then, something weird happened..."

You felt something inside you sting again, similar to what you've felt yesterday, you took a deep breath.

"It was a blur, I just found his lips pressed against mine and when we pulled away, our eyes were glowing so bright that I'm sure it wasn't normal." You whispered, scared that someone might hear you.

Your angel friend's eyes widened, "A-are you–?" You immediately nodded, sadness visible in your eyes, "W-why are you sad then?"

You smiled bitterly, "His reaction says it all... Like he doesn't want me to be his mate."

Hoseok stared at you, eyes filled with worry, "Do you want me to talk to him? We're not sure what he actually thinks about this."

"We always don't know what he thinks, Hoseok."

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now