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You entered the Academy's grounds with no clue of where to go, because your angel friend is busy with his practice and after lunch is his only free time.

You halted when a female voice called you. Looking around, you found Jisoo who was waving and rushing toward you.

You smiled and waited for her, "Y/n! You're not assigned in your booth today?" She asked while fixing some strands of hair that fell on her face.

You shook your head which made her smile, "Nice! I'm not too! Let's have a date."

Your eyes widened, "D-date?"

Jisoo chuckled, "No! Not a romantic one, just a friendly date."

You smirked, "Have you ever had a romantic date?" Her eyes widened and then were instantly replaced with a smirk.

"He's busy." She winked at you and grabbed you as you two began to explore the booths.

After several booths, you two stopped for the food and snacks. You weren't hungry, just thirsty, and this booth doesn't sell normal drinks, but alcoholic ones.

You have no choice but to drink one while Jisoo kept choosing among the varieties of food and eating it at the same time.

You gave her space and leaned against the wall as you watch her shove the marshmallows in her mouth, her cheeks puffing out.

Someone suddenly held your wrist and before you could react, you were already covered with black mist as you disappeared.

When your vision clears out, your class's booth came into view. You removed your gaze from it when you felt your wrist being released from a grasp.

You frowned, "Jimin?"

He smiled at you, eyes turning into straight lines. He opened the door to your booth and ushered you to go in, so you did.

The door closed behind you. You saw your classmate smiling at you, and handed you a shot glass of wine.

You were hesitating but your classmate remained standing in front of you, waiting for you to drink the wine.

You brought the glass close to your lips and drank it, vision turning black for a moment, and felt a pang in your head.

Blinking several times, your clear vision went back but you couldn't remember where you are.

You frowned when you realized that the lights were out and you couldn't see your surroundings properly.

Slowly, the darkness was replaced by a dim light, a cold breeze hitting your skin, stars surrounding you, and a moon in front of you.

You gasped at the sight of a winged lion you are on, there's a golden leash in your hands. You didn't know how you did it but you managed to make the animal fly lower.

Your eyes widened when you saw a huge field of flowers with different colors, you can see all this because of the moonlight.

The winged lion's feet landed on the field as you went off but paused because of the sudden familiarity in you.

You shook your head and pluck out a flower nearby, you sniffed its scent and smiled, but it immediately faded when you heard shuffling.

You sharpen your senses and waited for an attack but nothing came, you decided to follow the direction where the shuffling came from.

It leads you to a tree with different colors of leaves, you're about to take a step forward when you stepped on something making it groan.

Your eyes widened when a guy suddenly sat up, you screeched, and stepped backward but accidentally stepped on the guy's hand causing you to fall on top of him.

You looked at him with, still, your widened eyes and he looked back at you with the same expression.

Both of your eyes glowed in their color and before you could say anything, he slowly leaned in, his lips touching yours.

You both pulled away after several seconds, and you stood up and helped him stand up as well.

"Can I come with you?"

You stared at his face, which was so flawless, for a while before giving him a nod, he smiled and held your hand.

He guided you to get on the winged lion before he settled himself behind you. The golden leash immediately appeared in your hands when you opened your palm.

Moving the leash, the lion followed your movement and flew upwards and above the clouds.

It stopped mid-air, where you can see the full moon. You two-faced the moon as he held your hand while gazing, the stars surrounding you as witnesses.


The lights turned on as you blinked to adjust your vision from the sudden brightness.

You looked around, the faces of your classmates entering your sight, and finally realized what had happened.

You remembered what happened earlier and realized that that's what happens when the students, who come to your booth, drink the wine with a spell.

"You have to go, Y/n." One of your classmates said which made you confused as they pushed you out of the door.

And before you could exit, Jin suddenly appeared beside you, wearing the same expression as your other classmates pushing him out as well.

The door of the booth closed and you stood in front of each other awkwardly, "Jin, I–" You paused when he suddenly offered his hand and you gave him a questioning look.

"Apologize to me by coming with me."

Your eyes were wide as you stared at his face, he wasn't smiling but his eyes held sincerity. You placed your hand above him and he intertwined your fingers together.

You didn't know where he will bring you but you just followed, you guys stopped at an ice cream booth.

"You want ice cream?" He asked and looked at you, you saw how the students' eyes widened at the sight.

Of course, who wouldn't be surprised? You and Jin became famous all over the Academy because of how often you two cause a ruckus. And now, you two are walking around with intertwined hands like you didn't almost rip each other's heads off before.

"Yeah, coffee crumble." You answered and he nodded before facing the girl in front.

"You heard her," Then he looked at the menu to choose a flavor, "And a strawberry." The girl repeated the order to confirm before Jin dragged you to a vacant table for two on the side.

"What is this for? Making up to me after just leaving me alone?"

He raised a brow at you, "I didn't leave you alone, you were with your friends and mine."

You opened your mouth to say something but closed it again because he has a point which made him chuckle, you blinked in disbelief when Jin suddenly ruffled your hair with a smile on his lips.

"And yes, I'm making up to you."


Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now