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"Where's the real Jin then?"

Yoongi asked after a long silence, his friend just shrugged, "Someone probably took him out already."

"But who?"

Before any of you could think deeper, you heard shuffling and footsteps echoing. The three of you looked at each other.

"Let's meet in your room," Namjoon said and you nodded before the three of you teleported out from the cell.

You immediately told Hoseok what happened through your minds which made him frown and pause.

"What? What happened to you, Mr. Seer? It's my turn already!" One of the soldiers told Hoseok, who was holding multiple cards and wearing a fake mustache, hat, and robe.

"I have to go. Here, that's my present to all of you!" He immediately disappeared which made the soldiers left in awe and they went haywire over the cards, thinking that the Seer was so powerful.

Hoseok teleported into your room and saw Namjoon and Yoongi with you, he glanced at the soldiers who are still in an illusion. Your presences were invisible— credits go to Yoongi.

"Who took him?" Hoseok immediately asked.

"Well, there's a possibility that the vampires took him out because they found out which will cause a war if that actually happened. The two Kingdoms vowed to never harm the citizens of the other." Namjoon said with his index finger and thumb under his chin.

"Or, his friends took him out but still, they are vampires and there's a possibility that they already told the other vampires about this to ask for help and plan out. And all of this will lead to..."

Your eyes widened in realization, Hoseok and Yoongi doing the same, "War."


Morning came and neither of you slept. The sound of footsteps of rushing soldiers caught your attention. Even the two guards stationed outside your room left and followed the other soldiers.

The four of you looked at each other and went out of the room as well, soldiers kept on running, and Yoongi immediately grabbed one of them.

"What is happening?!" He yelled at the soldier who flinched under his burning stare.

"T-the Vampire Kingdom declared a war!" Yoongi let him go as he ran away.

"Damn." Hoseok cursed and sighed, ironic for being an angel.

"Let's go and see what's happening." You said and they nodded, the four of you followed the direction where the soldiers are running to.

And it lead you to the throne room, the soldiers were standing in the middle like statues. The King was sitting on his throne and massaging his temple while the Officials were screaming their worries. In short, it was total chaos.

"This is surely a huge war! Our soldiers won't be enough!"

"We should gather the young citizens and fight for the Kingdom!"

"Gather the children in a secured shelter to keep them safe!"

"SHUT UP!" The King yelled which caused everyone to shut up, so quiet that even an ant's steps can be heard.

"Team A, gather citizens whose ages are 17 to 55 and bring them in front of the Palace as soon as you can! I'll make an announcement."

"Team B, bring those who are 16 years old and below. Gather them at the underground dome and assign some guards!"

"Team C, gather every weapon we have and we will distribute it to the citizens!"

"And Officials! You'll fight in the field and not hide, understood?!"

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now