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You are sitting on your bed with books scattered next to you and one in hand. You were so focused that you flinched when someone knocked on your door as it flew open, revealing your parents.

"Sweetie?" Your mother peeked and entered with your father behind her. She sat down on your bed and her eyes landed on the books that you're holding, then on the scattered ones.

Both of your parent's eyes widened, "Why are you reading these, sweetie?" Your mother asked.

You looked at the books; some were about half-breeds and some were about mates from different races.

You folded a page and closed the book before putting it down to face your parents, "Something strange happened while I'm on a retreat."

They frowned and paid more attention to you, "What happened?" Your mother worriedly asked.

You took a deep breath and looked into their eyes, "Jin and I kissed and we found out that we're mates."

You waited for them to overreact but they didn't show even just one reaction which confused you.

"Why aren't you surprised?"

Your mother held your hands, "We knew, Y/n. Ever since you were kids."

Your eyes widened, lips parting a bit. Your father gave you a small smile, "Anger is a strong emotion, to the point that we forget the love we have for each other."

Silence filled the room, your mother stood up, "Anyway dear, we're going out."

"Where are you going?"

"Date." Your father winked before they went out of your room, leaving you alone with your books.

You stood up and gathered the books, then put them on the shelves at the side, you went to the mirror and scanned yourself.

You're wearing a plain white long sleeves top, a grey long skirt which reaches below your knees, it has white stripes as its design, and you matched this outfit with brown boots and a leather corset belt.

The huge window in your room suddenly opened, and your eyes widened when a winged lion stopped next to it, a familiar guy sitting on it.

"Jin?" You muttered in disbelief, he stepped on your window, your eyes scanning him.

He's wearing a brown double-breasted vest, white long sleeves underneath, black pants, and shoes. His hands were inside of his pockets as he looked at you.

"W-what are you doing here?"

He landed safely on the floor of your room, "Let's go."

You frowned, watching him as he stopped in front of you, "Where?"

"To a date." You froze.

Jin smirked, he turned around and walked towards the window. He climbed up without using his hands and turned around to you.

He extended his right hand to you and the other was behind him, like a Prince. You walked towards him, placing your hand above his palm.

But he suddenly took his hand back and scratched his cheek, his eyes widened at his action as well.

You glared at him and he chuckled, "Just kidding." His hand moved to yours and held it with a smile on his lips which was so rare and the last time you saw that was before that incident when you were kids.

Jin gets on the winged lion first before guiding you to cross from the window to the animal's back, "Is this your pet?" You asked, settling down in front of him.

"No, I summoned him."


Jin patted the lion's back and you almost fell when it moved but the vampire behind you wrapped his arms around your waist to secure you.

You gulped and felt your cheeks flushed, your attention diverted to the mist on the corner of your eyes.

You can't help but gape when you saw the clouds approaching, you closed your eyes as the wind hit your skin when the winged lion flew above it.

Opening your eyes, you felt your heart lighten just with the sight of the buildings below.

"So beautiful." You mumbled, eyes sparkling.

"There's something more beautiful than that," Jin smirked, black mist crawled out from his hands and flew to the winged lion's mouth.

A sparkling black thread appeared and it was now connected to Jin's hands, he flicked it and the lion fastened its pace, its huge pair of wings flapping loudly.

The view below changed from countless buildings to a forest, then, to a field filled with colorful flowers.

The winged lion lowered until it landed on the ground, Jin went off first and without waiting for him to offer his hand, you jumped off.

The three of you (including the lion) were in the middle of the colorful flower field and you saw a huge tree with pink healthy leaves, not that far from where you guys are standing.

"This is so awesome!"

Jin nodded, agreeing with you as he watched you roam around and he would chuckle to himself when you'll sometimes talk to the flowers.

His smile faded when he realized what had just happened, questioning himself if you're really his mate, after so many years of pranking and bullying you, how did you two end up being mates?

He snapped out of his thoughts when shadows cast over you and him. He looked up and he frowned when he saw two winged lions flying above them; the other lion's tail was color green and the other was gold.

They landed on the ground, in front of you and Jin, two figures went off from each winged lion.

You two were relieved when you recognized that it was Taehyung and Jimin.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" You asked, smiling.

"Y/n!" Jimin excitedly said and waved at you.

"We saw Jin summoning a pet to use for traveling, so we followed him," Taehyung explained.

The two are wearing the same outfit as Jin, only the vests were different. Taehyung was wearing a cream one and Jimin with black.

Your mate scoffed, "You're ruining this." He mumbled.

His friends just wiggled their eyebrows while your mate shook his head, and walked towards his winged lion, "Let's go to the next destination."

You looked at him with an excited expression which made him smile. Surprising his friends, like there's a miracle happening right in front of them.

They looked at each other with their lips parted when you obeyed Jin and let him help you get on the lion.

"I think we should go to retreats often, Tae."

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now